More Public Ban on Religion

Yesterday there were several articles regarding a recent European court ruling that employers have the right to ban visible religious symbols.

The case was focused on the Islamic headscarf, the hijab. If the case had focused solely on Islam it would have likely failed as it would have been seen as discriminatory, but, instead the final ruling is discriminatory to all those who wear religious items that can be seen by others.

It's an excuse to try to make everyone the same, by not having religion.

Because of the "neutral" approach, this issue will likely be taken up by every major company as a way to prevent "offending" customers and other employees.

On the pretense that all employees should dress neutrally, this falls right into place with those who desire to restrict, regulate, and even eliminate religion, particularly any religion who might offend someone else.

I think it's likely governments will begin to use this for their employees, since they serve all the people, and cannot risk being "offensive" to someone if an employee is wearing some religious attire.

However, the issue of gender neutrality will continue. That is, the agenda to push the idea that people can choose their gender (the gender they identify with), and employers, educational institutions, and other organizations must be accommodating and respectful of gender choice.

Why would religion become increasingly restricted while the LGBTQ agenda given more latitude?

The simple reason is because religion teaches values, ethics, and morality. The core teachings of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are those which teach moral, conservative principles, which are against the liberal, "progressive," immoral indoctrination that is being pushed.

This court ruling is another step, a big one, towards the elimination of religion in the public setting. It's also a step towards causing people to deny their faith in order to do business, to buy and sell.

This will likely begin to happen in America, probably beginning with those large international companies who work in the EU who will enforce their company policies in America. They will be taken to court, but the courts will likely rule in favor of the companies. Implementation on the government level may not happen until Trump is no longer president.


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