A List of Possible Future Events

---NOTE: I will occasionally update this post--

Like many others, I try to piece together some kind of sequence of events, based on various dreams, visions, scripture, etc.

I hesitate to post this list because I don't want to focus on what some may consider the bad, the doom and gloom. We are told there will be signs of the Lord's coming, but we should not be troubled nor afraid. These are signs to let us know the Second Coming is getting closer. It is vitally important that we are prepared spiritually and physically. Physical preparedness will help us survive, but it is our spiritual preparedness that will help us to thrive through whatever conditions.

I need to preface this by saying I have no revelations, dreams, visions, etc. regarding any of the events. So, the list is just based on what I think is coming and possibly when. The list is a summary compilation of lots of research from various dreams and visions, to what's expected to be coming in technology, major upcoming events, and other factors. Scriptures are included in my research, and while they don't give an time for specific events to occur, there are some elements of event sequences. Additionally, while I tried to list things in the order I think they may occur, I realize I could be completely wrong or events could simply happen in a different order.

At sometime in the future I may go through some of my reasoning for why I have things listed they way they are.

It would be nice to have things done with more quickly than the eight years listed, but I think part of the trial of faith is it won't be as quick as some expect. I do expect things to continue to increase in frequency and intensity over the coming years.

Another thing to point out is this list does not end with the Second Coming. I think these are the final years of the Sixth Seal, which will lead (immediately or within a few years) into the Seventh Seal. In other words, it is my opinion that the tribulations listed in the Book of Revelation will primarily occur after the events I have listed.

Part of my reasoning is America needs to be out of the world picture of politics in order to allow for the rise of the Anti-Christ. Additionally, America needs to be seen by most of the world as a non-threat, and non-interest, so the New Jerusalem can be built without too much interference from the world. And the New Jerusalem cannot be built under the current system of government in America, so there will need to be a deep cleaning of the nation.

I'm not sure if the drought/famine I have listed in 2019 will begin then or maybe the year before. While there will be drought conditions, the famine is a shortage of food. Due to recent rains, it looks like California is mostly out of its drought, but I expect that to be short-lived. The 4-year drought/famine is based on supposed visions of John Koyle who saw a seven year period, where the famine got progressively worse over about a 3.5 year period, and then things improved. However, the drought conditions begin in the south-west, proceed northward into Utah, and then progress through the rest of the nation.

Regarding the famine, which I think is very likely and it follows a common pattern in the scriptures, I don't think it will be that there will be no food, just shortages of food, and in some cases severe shortages. Most will probably be able to still get food, but it will probably cost more and could be highly rationed. The likelihood of increasing one's food storage during that time will be very low, so we need to increase our supplies before then. My best guess is we have this year, and 2018, and maybe 2019, before it becomes too difficult for most people to get food storage. That said, we will see some items becoming increasing scarce or more expensive before then.

Current world events, particularly with North Korea, seem to make this approximate timeline as being too long. But things could happen to delay what is coming.

The following is my latest attempt at listed coming events.

solar eclipse - Aug 21 across US with track covering New Jerusalem and Adam-Ondi-Ahman areas; Possible 1st big Utah earthquake--late spring or early fall (fall is more likely if it's approx 7 years before really big earthquake); 2017-18 heavy winter; possible assassination attempt on president; increase in storms & floods; Chinese market economy improves; improving economy; UT sees increasing prosperity along Wasatch Front; new virus scare
UT legislature passes medical marijuana bill; wet spring (2018); hot dry summer; increasing storms and flooding; 1st UT earthquake; stock market crash (?Oct?); UT economy remains strong; Democrats regain control of one or both houses of Congress; legislation requiring tech companies to create back-doors to systems
mild winter (2018-19); President assassinated, resigns, or is removed (impeached) from office (this could happen mid-to-late 2018); Putin reelected in Russia; 1st year of drought/famine in UT (last year to get food storage cheap); Church withdraws from Scouting; end of solar cycle--possibly entering a grand minimum period in cycle 25 or 26; new gun control measures; increased economic growth along Wasatch Front
new president (Pence) and 2 successors killed in terrorist attack (? @ state of the union?); 2nd year drought/famine in UT; Second market crash; Recession/Depression starts (officially recognized); Russia begins annexing old Soviet bloc states (old Soviet states may begin by trying to join with Russia -- similar to countries like Austria and Poland prior to WWII); Democrat president elected; Democrats control Congress; food shortages and price increases;
3rd year drought/famine in UT; drought spreads through nation; churches forced to marry same-sex or no longer perform legally recognized marriages; increasing gun control; if it hasn't happened sooner, the 1st big Utah earthquake (approx. 3.5 years before really big quake); introduction of personal ID protection (chip) - primary focus on protecting personal identities and more secure financial transactions; period of intense and increasing persecution on Church and its members begins; persecution of other Christians also increases; increasing food shortages; increasing riots and martial law being implemented in more places; new virus scare; manufacturing decreases; increasing prices but not hyper-inflation
4th year drought/famine in UT; famine gets worse throughout nation; president is assassinated or impeached; increased gun control; supernova--new bright star expected to shine for 2-3 years; increasing persecution on church; Russia continues annexing old Soviet states; increasing food shortages & riots & federal/martial law control; economic deflation/stagnation; increasing implementation of personal ID to prevent identity theft and increase security
UT out of drought; famine/drought conditions persist in other parts of the country; low crop yields due to seed shortage; food shortages not as severe; inflation returns; slowly improving economic conditions; increasing persecution on church; perception of improving conditions--reality is the calm before the real storm; widespread market implementation and use of personal ID; food shortages increasing throughout the world
Increasing oil prices; April 9 Solar Eclipse across US with track covering Kirtland, Cumorah, and Sacred Grove areas (incidentally, if you overlay the tracks of the two solar eclipses, the crossing point is near the epicenter of the massive 1811 New Madrid fault earthquake http://fulnessoftimes.blogspot.com/2017/02/coming-total-solar-eclipses-in-2017-and.html ); great gathering begins, most likely in April (fig tree first harvest ends); solar cycle 25 expected to peak (high point of solar flaring); increasing inflation; Personal ID becomes mandatory; major plagues (bio-attacks, pandemic) through summer; major earthquakes in CA and west coast; volcanoes; UN forces come in to assist with peacekeeping along west coast; massive hailstorm destroys crops; monster UT quake in fall;  ?New Madrid fault quake splits America at Mississippi river? (may not happen until 2025); ?beginning of the polar reversal? (no one knows when this will happen or how long it will take); president assassinated around election time; full economic collapse in US; FEMA, law enforcement confiscate guns, extra food, and extra clothing; North Korea invades South Korea; EMP attack across US followed by nuke attack on key cities & military facilities (?Thanksgiving or Christmas); China invades Taiwan; foreign forces invade US following nuke attack; harsh winter 2024-25

After this point is when I think the signs of the seventh seal will begin, faithful saints will be called to build up the New Jerusalem, and we continue towards to Great Day of the Lord's Second Coming.

Recall that there are a few different "comings" of the Lord. One at the great priesthood gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman. Another after the long siege of Jerusalem. And the actual Second Coming that all the world will see.

Most Christians seem to believe in a seven-year tribulation period, but there isn't any scriptural or prophetic support for this that I can find. There are a few 3.5 year periods, which if added up would equal seven years, but that's assuming the events happen sequentially, without any period of time between them. This seven year view is also imposed based on interpretations from the Book of Daniel, but I have yet to find any exact reference stating there are only seven years of tribulation.

And from Ezekiel 39:9 we read that it takes seven years to dispose of all the weapons of war after the battle, so the question remains, does that clean up take place after the Second Coming, or before? I think it will probably happen before, and that those seven years after the battle will also be a period of final gathering from throughout the world before the Second Coming.

So if you add seven and seven, you could say there are 14 years. However, I think the 3.5 year events in the Book of Revelation are separate events, which could happen at the same time, or they could overlap (so there'd be more than 3.5 years, but less than 7), or there could be a short period of time between them (resulting in more than 7 years).

Recall that these times are often referred to in the scriptures as a woman in travail, or a woman in the labor leading up to the birth. The labor pains become increasing more frequent, and last longer, with the space between those pains becoming shorter and shorter. When birth actually happens isn't sure, but it is "soon."

Likewise we cannot say with any certainty when birth will occur based on dilation and effacement. We know that as both increase birth becomes more imminent. But, a woman can be almost entirely effaced and dilated to a 10, and still not give birth for awhile (I know this from personal witness). Definitely not a pleasant experience, and definitely painful and exhausting.

Regarding the Second Coming, while it would be wonderful for it to happen sooner, the actual Great Day of the Lord is probably more likely to occur in 2033 or later. If that day is in the next Jubilee year, it will most likely occur in 2057. Unlike a lot of people, I do not think 2017 is an actual Jubilee year. I think the last Jubilee year was actually in 2008, right at the beginning of the Great Recession. As a summary for my reasoning, I think it is most likely that the Savior was born in a Jubilee year. And, calculating Jubilee periods from that time results in 2008 as the last one, and 2057 as the next. It's interesting to also consider that 2033 is about the halfway point between 2008 and 2057.

Regarding the Utah earthquakes, there are several possible time periods for the first big earthquake. If the great gathering occurs in 2024, then, if it's a seven-year period from the first quake until the monster quake, the first will probably happen in fall 2017. If it's a 3.5 year period, then it may not happen until spring of 2021. However, if the great gathering happens in 2020, then we will probably see that first big earthquake happen sometime late spring 2017.


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