Wickedness is Increasing

I remember reading a few years ago, I think it was in the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith but I'm not positive, that the Prophet had a vision about the future and saw things which caused him to want the vision to be closed.

I had thought the vision was on the devastating destructions that would be coming, the wars, earthquakes, storms, famine, plagues, etc. which would be enough for most people to turn away from in horror.

But, this morning I had the impression that he saw much more than these. If the vision had been only the wide scale disasters and calamities he probably would not have asked for the vision to be closed up.

This morning I watched an interview of a woman who talked briefly about her experience, her life, as a trafficked child. It was short. There were no graphic images. Here's the link to Dr. Phil's interview:


As I listened and felt disgusted with those who would abuse little children--or any child of any age--I realized that the Prophet most likely saw the horrific wickedness of men (and even women) in the last days. The sexual perversions, the abuse, the anger, the cold-hearted acts of violence and aggression, the lack of any respect or love or decency towards others. The complete and total disregard for God's commandments.

I'm sure every synonym of abhorrent--detestable, hateful, loathsome, despicable, abominable, execrable, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, distasteful, horrible, horrid, horrifying, awful, heinous, reprehensible, obnoxious, odious, nauseating, offensive, contemptible --rushed through him as he witnessed the what would be happening and wanted the vision closed.

The sad thing (and that is a major understatement because I'm lacking the words to better describe it) is, conditions the world are and will continue to get worse.

Those who are faithful and righteous will become more so, and wickedness will continue to increase and be flaunted everywhere. It will take continuous and abundant efforts for those who would be Saints to keep themselves unspotted from the world and its Babylonian influences.

Casual prayer is not enough. Being a member of the Church is definitely not enough. Occasional reading of the scriptures is not enough.

What might have sufficed in the past will not be enough.

The powers of the evil one are rampant throughout the world. He rages in the hearts of man and stirs them up in anger.

We must make extra efforts to pray, to study the word of God, to seek after things of a better world. And what I am learning is this means it will take more work.

It's kind of like a garden. Until recently the plot of land has been marginal at best, but still allowed things to grow. Now the garden plot is increasingly polluted, contaminated with all kinds of things that either prevent growth, cause mutations or sterility, or only allow weeds to thrive. It is only through great effort of removing contaminants, adding soil amendments, fertilizer, and plenty of water, along with constant and active weeding that the desirable plants can grow. But those that do grow are growing in great beauty. Those plants which are not continuously watched over and tended to risk being overcome by the contaminants and pollution.


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