Should You Be Judged by What You Did 30+ Years Ago?

I haven't listened to all of the arguments concerning Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault over 36 years ago.

This is what I know: Too much time, attention, energy, money, etc. have been spent on what did or did not happen over three decades ago.

Personally, I think Kavanaugh is probably guilty of exceedingly gross misconduct. Did he actually do what he was accused of? It's very probable. But, while I am not trying to minimize or dismiss the misconduct almost everyone is missing the point of the confirmation hearings...

Will Kavanaugh be a good justice and perform his Constitutional duties as a Supreme Court Justice?

I want to know what he has done in the last 10-20 years. IF he did do what he was accused of, has his life been turned around? Is he better? Has he repented?

If he really isn't any better than his high school, college freshman self, then that should be evident from the more recent (10-20 years) past and show he isn't fit for the job.

But if he is better, he should be considered, and should be appointed to the position.

Too many people want to point to the past to keep someone from progressing and becoming better.

Maybe some of them feel threatened, and don't want their closet skeletons exposed and so they point the finger to keep attention from themselves.

It's like the crabs in the crab is more likely to escape from a bucket, but multiple crabs pull each other down, keeping the others from escaping.

I guess part of my issue with this is too many people cannot forgive. They cannot accept the idea, let alone the fact, that someone can change, and can become better. They hold grudges. They want vengeance. They want what they call "justice" but which really isn't justice because too often their idea of "justice" exceeds the level of the crime.

We know someone who is jailed, for an excessively long time, based on things that was done decades earlier. The time for imprisonment far exceeds what should have been given, especially considering how much better this person had made his life and how much time had passed since the incidents. Instead, the vengeful, vindictive victims have ended up destroying this person's family. My guess is they probably think that it's still not enough. The problem is they will never think anything is enough because they can not reach to any level of forgiveness and acceptance that people can, and do, change.

The reality is those who live to bring "justice" to others too often live their lives in a hate-filled way. They hate the thought that someone could become better, that repentance can actually happen. They hate the idea that they might be wrong; they can't even accept the idea that their idea of justice is wrong. They want to bring someone down, and keep kicking that person while they're down. And when they're done, they are just fine throwing them out on the street and running them over.

And those who push for this unfair "justice" too often do so out of power, unrighteous dominion, and their desire to exercise authority and control over the lives of others.

How many of us want to be judged for a job, a promotion, or anything based on what we did over three decades ago?

That is what is happening to Kavanaugh. The determination as to whether he should become a Supreme Court Justice is being based on what he did in high school.

I guess it probably just means politics is based in high school, which, judging by the way many of our legislators act is probably a true statement.

The other problem is the precedence is now set...anything from your past, no matter how long ago, has not statute of limitations when it comes to considering you for any kind of job, promotion, advancement, or anything else you may apply, be nominated, or recommended for. Your past will forever hang over you, and everyone can judge you for who you are by what you did, no matter how long ago. Who you are now, and what you have become, makes little difference because the past is more important.

Hopefully you lived a squeaky clean life in high school and throughout college.

While this may not be an issue for low-level jobs, or maybe not even middle management positions, you can be assured that any higher management or top level positions in private or public sectors will become more scrutinized. This will be especially true for positions that have a more public face.

Anything will be fair game...including social media posts. If someone doesn't like you, they will dig up whatever they can from how ever long ago to justify their position that you don't deserve whatever position, job, etc. you're being considered for.

With regards to politics, when the Democrats return to power we will see the Republicans do the same thing, but probably even more so because the Democrats have further legitimized the process.

I'm not saying Republicans have not done it in the past. They certainly have. Just not to this level. And, since its now been done, we will see more of it. Those who will get through will be the very few who have lived clean lives, and those who are more effective at cover-ups and lies, and who have powerful supporters.

Some people think this action is appropriate for a lifetime position in the Supreme Court. But, we will see this increase in all areas, especially in politics. The opposing sides will find whatever dirt they can, all the way back to high school, to expose and destroy their opponents. Most politicians have already been involved with mud-slinging, but, for the most part, it has usually been limited to more recent history. It will be getting a lot dirtier.

Should Kavanaugh be appointed? I'm not sure because there hasn't been enough focus on who he is now, and whether he would be good for the job.

From the little bit that I've gleaned from the hearings and questioning, he would probably be a good justice, uphold the Constitution, and not be legislating from the bench.

If he's not approved, we can probably expect to see the high school circus continue for the next couple years.


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