Another effect of not following God

It is unfortunately becoming more prevalent, those who may say they believe in God, but they don't believe God. That is, they don't believe God's commandments make civilization better.

They also don't believe traditional families are the foundation of strength and goodness in a community, society, and country as a whole.

They believe that they know better. That the traditional morals and values, most of which center around believing God's ways are better than man's.

They point to extremist and overbearing views, opinions, and traditions. They show how those religious followers have caused so many of the ills and problems in society.

But they fail (either intentionally or ignorantly) to acknowledge that the majority of religions are peaceable in the doctrine, and it is through the extreme interpretations of man that causes the ills and problems.

That is the first effect. The failure to follow God's commandments--either by simply disobeying them or adjusting them to fit a new viewpoint--results in an increase in the ills and problems in society.

Disobeying the rules God has set is sin, also known as iniquity or wickedness.

Defined in the 1828 dictionary, iniquity is injustice, unrighteousness, a deviation from rectitude.

Did you notice, it basically means not doing what is right.

Sin is the "voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command."

Sin is either something someone commits, that is they actively and knowingly act in contrary to the commandments of God. Or, it can be of omission where the person neglects to do right.

And wickedness is "the departure from the rules of divine law; evil disposition or practices; immorality; crime; sin."

The failure to do what is right causes most of the problems in society.

Too many people want to justify their immoral behavior. Those who still claim to believe in God will try to twist God's words to make their sinful acts, and support of iniquity, as being noble.

But, as the nation has continued to depart from God and traditional family (and institution established by God), has society become better?

Has this new value system led to increased peace?

Have we seen greater kindness, understanding, and civility?

Or, have we seen an increase in all the ills? From disrespect, to hate, to anger, to an increase in violence.

This morning as I read 3 Nephi chapter 21 a phrase in verse 5 stuck out. It says, "which shall dwindle in unbelief because of iniquity."

I've read those words before, and they are in other places as well.

But besides iniquity leading to the downfall of a civilization, increased iniquity leads to increased unbelief.

Throughout the scriptures, particularly in the Book of Mormon, we read of cities and civilizations that have fallen and been destroyed as a result of the iniquity.

But there is more.

The word "dwindle" means something becomes less than what it was. It means something degenerates and wastes away.

I have always wondered if (and suspected) there were once very advanced civilizations, but we don't have any records of them or their technologies.

The new understanding I had this morning, the other effect of not following God, is that after destruction the remnants of that society/civilization will degenerate. Not just in their belief system. Any technological or scientific knowledge and understanding they once had will become lost.

Unbelief will not just be religious. It will apply to anything we would now refer to as scientific knowledge and technological advances.

Our understanding is many myths and legends have a basis in truth. But, what truth?

Could it be that the unbelief of the remnants of a destroyed civilization change their view of their history to match their new belief system? That they have "dwindled" and degenerated to become much less than what they once were.

It may be that we are starting to see similar effects.

Once example is how parts of our history are being rewritten. What comes to mind is how the founding fathers of our country have become increasingly portrayed under negative views.

But, I won't go into that at this time.

The question is, are we beginning to degenerate in our civilization. Not just in becoming a less moral society, but are we (generally speaking) losing our ability to believe things that do not fit our personal belief system?

Are we becoming less tolerant and less accepting of those with differing views?

Some people claim to be more tolerant and accepting, but too often they will then verbally or physically clash with anyone who has a different opinion, particularly if that opinion doesn't fit their worldview. Mostly I have observed this from liberals, who tend to push the new morality view point but become intolerant of those who believe in more traditional values. However, this attitude is certainly not exclusive to liberals. There are conservatives, especially on the extreme right, who are also intolerant and unaccepting of anything other than their ultra-conservative view.

Returning to the scriptures, I did know that those who lose the light and knowledge of the gospel do fall away and lose the civility they once enjoyed.

It was just interesting this morning to realize that "dwindling" in unbelief can mean so much more than just not believing in God, and not following his commandments.

Dwindling in unbelief can also mean the people do not believe other truths. They stop believing in the knowledge they once had. They stop believing anyone who tries to teach truth. They become stuck in their own worldview and become antagonistic towards those of differing viewpoints, opinions, and beliefs. They may claim to be open-minded, but the reality is they are closed to anything new, or anything that may challenge or question their belief system. They refuse to belief anything about their beliefs may be wrong.

Because they are not willing to truly open their minds to even consider something that differs from or challenges even a small part of their beliefs, they actually begin to lose their ability to learn, grow, and develop.

Learning involves the accumulation of knowledge of things we did not previously know. We can learn truths and falsehoods. Our belief system tends to bias us towards believing things as truths if they match our beliefs.

If our belief system does not allow for us to be wrong, even in the slightest bit, then anything that meets or supports our belief system tends to be believed, even if it has some falsehoods or is completely in error.

This is where conspiracy theories really come into play, but I won't discuss them at this point.

Scientific knowledge is good, but it is not always right. Most of science is based on theories. And theories become accepted as truths when there is continual evidence to support them, and nothing is observed that is contrary.

However, just because there is an absence of proof contradicting a theory does not make the theory absolutely correct and true.

The history of all branches of science have many instances where what was once accepted as a "truth" was proven to be either partially incorrect or completely wrong.

Those stuck in the scientific mind that their viewpoint is correct and cannot be wrong are like those who are stuck believing the earth is flat.

Or, if they refuse to believe in new truths, they are those who believe Newtonian physics is absolute truth, when the "laws" of physics only work on larger objects, but they don't work at a quantum level.

Even those who profess to believe in God can become stuck in their own belief system. At no time has God revealed all the truths of the universe, so we need to be accepting that new truths can be revealed. It does not necessarily mean old truths are done away, but that they fit within a sphere of greater truths.

But, if we are stuck in our unyielding belief system we won't be able to accept anything new. We will be preventing our progress, and eventually we begin to lose other truths by rationalizing them away according to our belief system.

In extreme situations, those who become so entrenched in a belief system that they cannot accept anything else will begin to actively change and/or destroy anything and everything that threatens their beliefs. Histories are changed. Books are destroyed. Those who teach or express opinions that are contrary to the belief system are ridiculed, ostracized, cast out, and, on the extreme end, jailed or killed.

The result is either the people become easily controlled and dependent on those who govern over them. Or, the people become so highly fractured and tribalized (according to their belief systems) that they cease to progress as a society and the society begins to break apart.

The first case leads to tyranny, which increasingly restricts the people and their freedoms.

In the second case, because of the many differing tribes, a very strong tribe to come through, conquer, and subject the others to the strongest belief system.

In order to combat the proliferation of falsehoods, and the tendency for us to believe things that may be wrong, we need to go to the source of all truth: God.

We need to be open to the guidance of the Spirit. We need to be aligning ourselves with God's will, and learning to trust him.

As we learn to trust in God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can be led by inspiration and discernment.

Inspiration and revelation can guide us to new understandings, and new truths. It allows us to be open-minded and humble as we know we don't know everything.

Discernment helps us discover the falsehoods and to reject what is not true. And, just be one facet of a "fact" is discovered to be false does not mean everything related to the presented "fact" is also wrong.

People seldom believe complete falsehoods, at least not at first. Usually there must be some elements of truth mixed in with the lie in order for people to begin believing it.

Discernment helps us to separate the truth from the lies.


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