Some General Events as We Head Towards the Time of Tribulation

I'm sure I'll repeat some thoughts and ideas from earlier posts.

I've been reading--several times--3 Nephi chapters 20-22, where the Savior is talking to the Nephites and telling them of events that will transpire when the gathering of Israel will commence.

Outside of the Church, and even most of those in the Church, seem to want to lump all the calamities spoken of in the scriptures into the time of tribulation, right before the Second Coming.

However, it seems apparent that there are two general locations, each with distinct events, with their own sequences of events.

For most, the sequence of events hinges around the old world, and, primarily, Jerusalem and the Middle East.

However, there are events that will happen in the New World before and even during the big events spoken of in the Book of Revelation, particularly the period of time referred to as the days/time of tribulation.

From my readings and study, I have come to the conclusion there will be significant events that will happen in America before the time of tribulation.

Chapter 21 of 3 Nephi gives the highlights.

  • The gospel will be taught among the Gentiles, and also among the remnant of the house of Jacob who are in the Americas
  • The remnant of the house of Jacob in America will become a scourge to the gentiles who do not repent.
  • If the Gentiles don't repent, their cities will be destroyed.
  • The New Jerusalem will begin to be built, and those Gentiles who repent will be able to assist.
  • The remnant of the house of Jacob in the Americas will be gathered (verse 26 "remnant of this people").
  • The gospel will then begin to be taught to the lost tribes, and all of the house of Israel, and they will begin to be gathered.

In chapter 22, the Savior quotes Isaiah chapter 54, which references the city of New Jerusalem (Zion), which has been established and enlarged throughout the land. References to colors in the foundation are similar to Revelation chapter 21.

I believe the following general sequence will happen.

If America does not repent, its cities will be destroyed and its inhabitants left desolate. I think this destruction will also be the beginning of World War III, which will end up causing destruction and desolation around the world.

The remnant of the house of Jacob who are in the Americas will be gathered and the New Jerusalem will begin to be built.

About this time is when, in the old world, the time of tribulation begins, with events of the Book of Revelation chapter 6 through 20. There will be world-wide affecting events, but the main focus in the Book of Revelation is on the old world, not on the Americas, particularly North America. Remember, America will mostly have already been destroyed and it is my believe that the rest of the world will mostly ignore America while they deal with their own troubles.

The lost tribes will have the gospel preached to them and they will begin to be gathered.

Because the New Jerusalem will be built and an increasing number of the inhabitants in America will become followers of Christ, those in America will be more repentant, will be more likely to follow the Spirit and counsels of the prophets, and will be able to weather world-affecting events better than the rest of the world.

The tribulation events will continue to happen through the gathering of the lost tribes.

The gospel will begin to be taught among the Jews, but they, as a whole, won't accept the Savior until after the siege of Jerusalem.

While the rest of the world experiences the events of the tribulations in the worst way, the remnants in America will be growing in the strength as Zion expands across the land. When other nations begin to consider attacking and invading America again (thinking it will still be a wasteland from its earlier destruction, and any survivors will be unorganized and easily conquered) they will discover the land of Zion is not what they expected. Cities will be rebuilt, the people organized, and the strength and glory of the Lord will be such that other nations will fear coming against the inhabitants of the land.

So, the other nations (who will be uniting together under a common flag) will most likely keep away from America until they feel like they are able to better deal with the "problem." They will first focus on what they will refer to as the "Jew problem." After that (when the rest of the world is "united together") they'll reason they will be able to return to what they might call the new or rising western threat.

Prior to the destruction of America, the enemy of the past century has been various incarnations of communism.

However, as the world (other than America, which will have mostly been destroyed) begins to come together under a new world order (after World War III and events of Revelation chapters 6-9), the leaders of this new world order will need a common enemy (to rally the people against and justify the need for their extensive military), which they won't be able to label as communist.

The focus will increasingly be towards the Jews, who probably will be labeled as religious extremists, and being against the peace of the new world order. The rising western threat in America will likely be referred to as Jew lovers, and the use of scriptures in the Bible and Book of Mormon will be used to justify their accusation. They may even reference the idea of destroying Jerusalem to the cutting the head off of the snake, and so their focus will be to destroy Jerusalem.


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