Imagine a coming plague or pandemic

This isn't about the covid-19 but imagine a disease as contagious as measles, but it's contagious in the carrier many days before the person even starts to exhibit symptoms. Measles is considered one of the most contagious diseases where 90 percent of people who are within 50 feet of someone infected will also become infected.

What happens if that disease has the fatality rate of smallpox (a virus that killed about of third of those infected and left many of the survivors scarred or blind) or the plague (a bacterium that killed a third of the population of Europe in the 14th century, most likely the bubonic form, but the fatality rate can be has high as 50 or 60 percent).

Imagine the havoc that disease would have on a population over the period of year.

The economy would be in shambles.

Shortages would be everywhere.

f a third of the population either dies or becomes crippled in someway due to a rampaging illness society would revert almost to a reset point. By this I'm referring to the lack of people to keep society going as normal. There just wouldn't be the people available to take care of things like infrastructure and shipping. So, besides shortages, there would also be frequent outages of utilities and services due to the lack of support personnel.

There shortages wouldn't just be in food. Raw materials available for manufacturing and production will be cut short, although it won't matter too much since those in manufacturing and production won't have the manpower to produce at normal levels. Everything you buy would be in short supply, and likely the costs will be much higher. There won't be as much of a demand, but there will still be some demand, but the supply will be short because there won't be the labor to produce it, so costs will be high.

The exception for lower demand will be food. There will be a lack of food and still a high demand. In some places that demand will be a panic.

Shortages will also extend into services and other professional sectors. Medical facilities will get affected by the loss of professionals.

People will be scared to gather into large groups. But there will still be riots and protests and looting.

The shortage in law enforcement will likely cause martial law to be invoked in many places, and travel will become extremely restricted and highly regulated.

This type of disease would likely cause chaos around the world for a couple of years before enough immunity has been built up in populations. Getting back to any resemblance of "normal" will likely take a few years after the first onslaught. However, the disease would continue to cause problems for years and the effects on countries around the world due to the shortages in labor will be felt for a couple of decades.

For me, while this scenario is scary, there is something even more frightening that would likely come from it.

Because most people are so unprepared and unable to provide for themselves and their own families, the rallying call will be for the government to step in and take control. Because more and more people are turning away from God, they will be more and more willing to turn their trust to politicians and others in power. The promises of help, security, and protection are enticing to those who cannot or will not take care of themselves.

This scenario introduces the opportunity for a country to reset its currency. It's almost a dream opportunity for a government or world organization to introduce a centralized, highly controlled and monitored digital currency. One of the selling points is this would allow the government to "protect" its citizens.

This scenario allows the calls for socialism and communism to become more favorable to the masses of unprepared and dependent people. It may even be cause for the installation of a dictatorship.

This scenario also provides an opportune time to implement a citizen bio-identification system. Think of a chip implant-like system. The digital currency will be tied to it. Enhanced identification security, health monitoring, and other "benefits" and "protections" will be used to help the system become widely accepted.

Are bio-weapons being engineered? Absolutely. But I don't believe a lab-created/modified virus or illness would be intentionally released without either a containment plan or other control system in place (like already having a working vaccination and having the country's soldiers vaccinated against the disease). Without s strict containment plan implemented or vaccination in place, the release of the disease would likely hurt the country that developed it as much as any other.

It is entirely possible that a country like China could, in the future, release a bio-agent in the US through its operatives. They will have already vaccinated their troops and maybe even their citizenry. As the US, or other countries, falls to the disease China could come in to offer aid without fearing to expose their troops. This could even be a safe invasion option. The infected country would be at a great disadvantage.

The problem China would face is the reality that the disease would likely mutate, especially if it was lab-created, and begin to infect the soldiers. If there's enough time from being contagious to showing signs and symptoms of the disease, then many of those soldiers could end up taking the disease back to their home country.


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