Beware of PreVirus

Do you remember the 2002 movie Minority Report? Tom Cruise starred in it as a police officer in a special unit called PreCrime. PreCrime's task is to arrest would-be murderers before they commit the crime. They identify these future would-be murderers based on visions of the future that some mutated humans called PreCogs receive.

If you haven't seen it, it's worth viewing. But it's almost eerie some of the similarities that can be drawn to today's environment.

While today's pandemic environment is not arresting would-be future murderers, we are all, in one way or another, being affected by what I will call our nation's PreVirus units.

PreVirus units are comprised of public health officials, disease experts, media outlets that promote public control and restrictions on liberties and rights, politicians who take advantage of opportunities, reasoning, and justification to increase their control, influence, authority, and power over the people, any person or other group who promotes un-Constitutional mandates, regulations, restrictions, limitations, or legislation, and those who promote and support laws, regulations, mandates, or orders that cause a specific group to receive special privileges, preferences, rights, protections, etc. over others which results in inequality under the law and doesn't comply with the rule of law.

Based on the projected models (which seem to change regularly) we are told what to do to prevent or reduce future infection and death rates from increasing. We were forced into an extended lockdown out of fear caused by PreVirus models, opinions, and statements by "experts." We are told (in some places mandated by law or an executive order) that we need to wear masks.

Why do we need to wear masks? Because you might infect someone and not know it. You might be the cause of someone getting severely ill. You might be the cause of someone dying because you got them infected by not wearing a mask.

 In the eyes of the nation's PreVirus units you are guilty of pre-infecting others. It doesn't matter if you don't exhibit any symptoms. As someone who is pre-infector, you are required to wear a mask so everyone can feel like we are safer. What is a pre-infector, everyone who isn't currently diagnosed as having the infection who can potential cause others to become infected. Pre-infectors are those who come before (pre) the infection.

While I believe public health has a place, I do not believe anyone in public health, politics, or elsewhere has the right to strip Constitutional rights from everyone simply by reasoning that people will infect others, put the lives of some at risk, and possibly end up indirectly killing someone because that person gets infected and complications from that infection, combined with age and/or personal pre-existing health conditions, results in death. We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

All the extended lockdowns (anything more than 2 weeks), mandates, mask wearing requirements outside of actual high-risk areas and among the more vulnerable and high-risk population, are all examples of being guilty before being proven innocent. Even if you were identified as having antibodies (which indicate you were previously infected but probably aren't infected at the moment) you are not free from scrutiny. You are still guilty of being a pre-infector because PreVirus doesn't know if having antibodies means you can or cannot get the illness again.

But it's all the healthy population who are the targets. It doesn't matter if you are in great health or have seasonal allergies, if you don't currently have the illness you are guilty of being a pre-infector.

From what I've read, data shows most asymptomatic people are not spreaders of the infection, though there may be a few who do. Yet this isn't well publicized. Instead PreVirus wants us to feel guilty and think we might be infected and unknowingly infect others.

If we use the same logic health officials and politicians use to justify mask wearing mandates, then we might as well suspend driving privileges because you might injure or kill someone. We might as well mandate everyone stay home because you might get hit by a car, or something might injure or kill you. Simply because you drive you are guilty of possibly causing an accident and hurting or killing someone in the future. 

Models definitely show increased likelihood of injury or death as the result of distractions, sleepiness or fatigue, and reflex- and awareness-altering substances in your bloodstream. So, we need to mandate every car has systems in place to monitor the driver before and during the drive so the vehicle can be pulled over and shut down (or even prevented from starting in the first place) if the driver is 100% perfect for driving safely.

We should definitely reinstate alcohol prohibition because there is actual data that proves alcohol is a contributing cause to many deaths in this country.

And we need to mandate increase restrictions on tobacco use because it causes cancer, which may lead to death. And if you smoke you are likely contributing to cancer in others so you are guilty.

Should I go on with other risks and hazards of life?

Life is risk. Life is not 100% safe and it never will be. We accept the risks we live with. 

The PreVirus units of the world have incited fear into the population. Politicians have used that fear to increase their influence, control, authority, and power over the people. Too many people seem to have the mistaken understanding that the virus will go away or that we can actually prevent people from getting infected.

We are being manipulated into believing we are guilty if someone else gets infected. The reality is we are only guilty if we know we are infected and we knowingly put someone else at risk, particularly those who are more vulnerable and high risk, by our carelessness or intentional actions.

Here are the most important things we can do to mitigate our risk:
  • Keep away from others whose health condition you do not know, particularly if they are coughing, wiping their nose, or have any symptoms of being ill.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Hand washing should be at least 20 seconds long. Hand washing is important for the healthy and ill. Use alcohol-based sanitizer if you can't wash your hands.
  • Don't touch your face, particularly your nose or eyes.
  • If you are ill, stay home and stay away from others. And if you have to be in any public place, wear a mask and still keep your distance as much as possible.
  • Do what you can to increase your health. Eat better foods and decrease your processed sugar intake. Increase your movement and exercise, even if it's just 20-minute walks a few times each week. If you're healthy to start with, your body can more effectively fight off infections.
Whether intentional or not, the public is being conditioned to accept the reduction or elimination of Constitutional rights for the good of the whole. In the case of a pandemic it's justifying the infringement of Constitutional rights as being for the good of public health. It doesn't matter that there is nothing in the Constitution that allows or permits any infringement of rights or liberties on the population. In fact the majority of Constitutional laws are to protect and maintain the rights and liberties of all people. Un-Constitutional laws can be challenged and thrown out as infringing upon or out right violating Constitutional rights and freedoms. Only those who have actually been found guilty of violation of law can legally have certain Constitutional rights suspended or taken away. The words and actions of PreVirus indicate that they believe that everyone is guilty.

I am not advocating or condoning complete carelessness or lack or respect for others. Unfortunately there is too much of that, which may be a reason for the lockdowns and mandates. We do need to recognize that our actions can affect others.

We can continue to live life and enjoy our rights without PreVirus controlling us and taking away our liberties. We can mitigate our risks by doing what I mentioned earlier. We can also do our part to reduce the risk of the more vulnerable of our population by reducing their potential exposure. If we need to be around those at high risk we should be wearing a mask as a precautionary measure and out of respect for those who have a higher health risk. 

Why do surgeons wear masks? It's not because they're afraid of getting what the person on the table has. It's to help reduce the chances of additional infections in that person being operated on. They operate in as sterile of an environment as possible, knowing that whatever they bring in can create a health risk for the person on the operating table.

Yes, many medical professionals wear masks in non-surgical situations, particularly when around the ill. But the principle is really the same, masks do more to prevent others from getting what you have than to keep you from getting what they have. 

If you wear a mask and someone coughs on your face, you can just as easily get infected through your eyes as your nose. As a parent I am certain I have gotten ill from a child coughing or sneezing towards my face.

A clear face shield would be much more effective at preventing you from getting something from someone else coughing on you. A mask could be helpful, but if you touch the mask (adjusting it, taking it off and putting it back on) and then itch your nose or rub your eyes you could just as easily infect yourself. Those who are really trying to protect themselves are wearing face shields.

You can either live your life out of fear from what PreVirus tells you or you can choose to accept there are risks in life, mitigate the best you can against those risks, but still live life and not cower to the fear-mongering of PreVirus. 

If an elected official joins with PreVirus, it is our responsibility to make sure he or she is removed from office because any degree of loss of our Constitutional rights and liberties is unacceptable. It is just like the story of the camel who wants to go into the tent during a sandstorm. It begs the person to let it just put its nose in so it can breathe. Then the eyes, followed by the head. Always with some justification and reasoning why. Finally, when the whole camel is in the tent it kicks the person out.

We, as a whole, are letting our elected officials get into our lives more and more. We are letting them limit, restrict, control, mandate, order, etc. our Constitutional rights and liberties. They use whatever reasoning or justification they can to make us feel better, safer, more protected. Their supporters and those lobbying behind the scenes for changes push the narrative and attack those who don't fall in line and fully support their efforts.

Most people either don't realize it, or just accept it as being necessary to live in the illusion of government imposed safety and protection, but our Constitutional rights have become eroded through a web of regulations, limitations, and restrictions. It's rare for a law to outright oppose or eliminate a right or freedom, but it is increasingly common for legislative, judicial, and administrative actions to infringe on Constitutional rights and liberties. These infringements often come through various hoops you need to jump through in order to exercise your right.

Gun control advocates, who know outlawing the Second Amendment won't work in our current environment, are pushing for restrictions to exercise that freedom. These infringements include excessive taxes on firearms and ammunition as well as requiring a federal or state-equivalent license to purchase and own firearms and ammunition. These licenses are just an authorization, or permission given to you by the government, to exercise your Constitutional right. 

Do you think the Second Amendment is the only place infringements will happen?

There are attacks on free speech, religion, and other Constitutional rights.

If you've paid attention you've heard or read about some ideas from PreVirus that would infringement upon your Constitutional rights.

Anything that prevents you from freely living your life, while adhering to and respecting Constitutional rights and liberties for all people, is un-Constitutional. Any government requirement, regulation, mandate, order intervention, restriction, limitation, oversight, etc. that infringes on this freedom is un-Constitutional.

So what are some of the PreVirus ideas? Two that quickly come to mind are the ideas of having a virus card or health monitoring chip.

The virus card is basically something that states you have had the virus and are "safe" to be in public.

A health chip is something that would be implanted into your body, usually in the web of your hand between the thumb and first finger. It would monitor and report on your health. Most likely it would also double as a personal identification system and work to help authenticate you on secure systems, like logging into your bank account or transferring money. There are monitors that could be used on your skin, but the implanted ones are less likely to be tampered with.

If you are required to have a virus card, health chip, or anything remotely similar, whose purpose is to identify you as "safe" to live your life in public and out of quarantine, then your rights are being infringed. It won't matter if you show no symptoms, under PreVirus orders you will have to have authorization (permission) to live a normal life, otherwise you will be seen as a threat to public health and safety. 

But we are already seeing the invasion of PreVirus into our lives. 

Contact tracing is touted as being necessary to identify those who may have been exposed to an infection. The idea is to quarantine those who are potentially infected so they can't infect others. It doesn't matter if the person is well and healthy, they are to be quarantined to protect others. Their Constitutional rights and liberties are infringed upon simply because they are suspected to be guilty. They are positively identified as Pre-infectors and must be restricted. Before they can go back into public they must repeatedly prove over a period of time (usually 10 to 14 days) that they aren't guilty (infectious) and can freely exercise their Constitutional rights (with restrictions and limitations like mask wearing).

There are those who want to take contact tracing a step further and forcibly quarantine people. And if someone cannot be "safely" quarantined in the home from others in the household, those people should be taken by the state to be "safely" quarantined. It doesn't matter if that person is a child, public safety is what is most important to PreVirus and they won't let the mother, father, or guardian touch the child because of the possibility of infection. And it certainly doesn't matter the research that shows how human touch can aid in healing, or how a mother can ease the stress of an ill child, which would be especially essential if the child was taken from his/her home.

While I don't have any of the apps that notify you whether you were in close proximity to someone who was infected, Android and iOS have both enabled features that are designed to work with those apps but which could also be used in other contact tracing if mandated by PreVirus.

And even though I don't have any contact tracing related apps installed on my phone, it doesn't mean I won't ever be contacted by a contact tracer. All it takes is for someone to get infected to identify me as someone they were around prior to being tested positive for the infection. Then the contact tracer will track me down. There is no opt-out of contacting. Depending on the PreVirus orders, I may be identified as a positive Pre-infector and have to prove my innocence multiple times over a period of time before I will be allowed to live my life outside of quarantine. 

Proving innocence means being required to take multiple tests to show I'm not infected. Besides being practically forced to take tests, my data from those tests isn't protected. It's not de-identified. What happens with all the data and who has access to it? So now PreVirus has additional information about me and my family, because everyone in my family will also have to prove their innocence through mandated (forced) testing.

In my mind, all of this violates the HIPAA privacy rule. If I'm forcibly quarantined for an infection, then other people will become aware of this health information without my authorization for disclosure. Without data protection and de-identification, what guarantees are there that my test data is not being shared, disclosed, or used? PreVirus will likely make sure this information is for the good of the public health so it's okay if this data isn't fully compliant with HIPAA.

Too many people accept all this as being necessary. They accept it as being for the public good. They accept the fear propagated by PreVirus, and they accept the solution given to them by PreVirus. 

In some articles those who blindly follow and accept what their elected (and non-elected) officials tell them are referred to as "sheeple." The word actually refers to people who are docile, foolish, or easily led. While the word may be apt for those who accept and believe everything told to them by PreVirus, I have another image come to mind. 

The acceptance of allowing anyone in any public position of influence, control, authority, or power to infringe, limit, regulate, mandate, order, legislate, adjudicate, control, usurp, or restrict any Constitutional right or liberty is like allowing the fox to guard the chickens. 

For most people who seek for influence, control, authority, or power over others (like most career politicians), if you give them what they want, they will want more. Too many mayors, governors, and other politicians have experienced increased power and authority through lockdowns and various mandates or orders. They feel it is their right to take control and to limit Constitutional liberties of others, for the public good. They set themselves above the Constitution. 

What happens the next time an emergency happens, or the next flu pandemic occurs? If these people have not been voted out, they will be more likely to quickly take the control, power, and authority they desire. They will see no problem with increased infringement, limitations, and restrictions on Constitutional rights and liberties of the people.

What happens when our Constitutional rights and liberties are threatened with infringement, limitations, restrictions, etc.? What happens when we have to get permission or authorization to exercise a Constitutional right? 

PreVirus is a beginning.


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