Why (most) protesters aren't much different than rioters
After watching videos of protests and reading about various
protests from over the last several weeks, I have come to a conclusion that some
will complain about. Before I get to my conclusion, allow me to make some observations.
Protests that are a Constitutional right are for the people
to peaceably assemble to voice their grievances to the Government. Peaceably
assembled implies that those assembled to voice their grievances (protest) are
doing so lawfully. That is, the protesters have followed any and all local,
state, and/or federal laws that are applicable to the peaceful assembly. In other words, they have a lawful protest.
By complying with laws protesters can not only safely and
lawfully exercise their right to voice their grievances, but they also protect
the Constitutional rights of all others, i.e. those who are choosing NOT to
participate in the peaceful assembly.
Any protester who infringes on Constitutional rights of
others is not peaceably assembled. Protesters nearby who do not intervene to
stop the infringement essentially become accessories to that infringement and
are, by association, no longer peaceably assembled.
The media seems to identify “peaceful protesters” as those protesters
who are not personally engaged in a violent act, which includes vandalism.
But violence is not the only way to disturb the peace and
thereby transform a peaceable assembly into an unlawful gathering.
Anytime a protester intentionally obstructs or prevents someone
else (whether it’s a counter-protester, passerby, or other person) from
exercising their Constitutional rights, that protester is acting illegally.
The Constitution gives us the right to peaceably assemble,
but nowhere in the Constitution is anyone given the right to infringe on
Constitutional rights of anyone else. That is where are laws come in, to protect the liberties and rights of the public against those who choose to act in ways that infringe upon those freedoms and rights.
The majority of protests seem to be “organized” without
complying with, or even attempting to comply with, local or state laws. I see
videos of protesters walking, running, or crowding into streets where they
unlawfully obstruct traffic. If the protest had obtained appropriate lawful
authorization then traffic would be diverted away or blocked. Similarly pedestrians would know to avoid an area if they choose to not be around a protest, but these unlawful protests catch many people off guard and they don't have the choice to avoid those who too often accosted by protesters. It seems to be rare that any protest gets these lawful authorizations
any more.
There are accounts of protesters intimidating, yelling,
screaming, taunting, and making non-protesters (usually people who just happen
to be nearby when the unlawful protesters gather) feel fearful. It’s easy to
find protesters expressing hate and/or disrespect towards others, like those
not participating in the protest, counter-protesters, and especially towards law enforcement if the
protest is against police brutality. There may not be physical violence, but these
altercations are definitely not peaceful.
In my opinion, many protesters are as bad or worse than what they are protesting. And the actions of the majority (I'm sure there are a few who do want to follow the law and have peace) make me hesitant to have much sympathy for their cause.
In Salt Lake City, protests following the district attorney’s
ruling on a police shooting being justified were not people peaceably
assembled. Besides the fact the protest wasn’t lawful to start with, violence,
destruction, vandalism, and injuries prove the protesters were not there
The protesters don’t care that the person who was shot was a
convicted felon. They don’t care the police officer provided more than enough
opportunities for the victim to peacefully end the situation. They seemingly blind themselves to facts and want only what they want.
What do protesters want?
In protests against police brutality it seems most protesters don’t want police officers to ever
shoot anyone, especially if that person has a different skin color. Protesters
don’t want law enforcement to enforce the law so the public can enjoy their
Constitutional rights. Protesters want the bad guys to shot first and if the
bad guy is running away they want the police officer to let them go (so they
can commit more crimes). Protesters don’t care that many police officers have
families they want to go home to. Protesters don’t care that split judgment
action is needed and law enforcement trains for quick action not only for their
safety but for the safety of the public.
It seems protests against police brutality are just protests
against law and order. It seems protesters want to be able to do anything without any
accountability. These protesters would rather the bad guy get away, maybe to
kill or rape someone, than to be shot if the bad guy doesn’t comply with lawful
orders. Protesters seem to want anarchy with mob rule than a society of law and
And all those protesting against hate, inequality,
disrespect…how do many of them act? They claim to want respect and equality, and to end hate. Yet, I see, hear, and read of hatred spewing
from the mouths of protesters, along with extreme disrespect for all those who
are not in perfect agreement and stepping in lockstep with the protest’s
movement. Not only is disrespect and hatred shown towards those not
participating with the protesters, but many of their demands are unconstitutional,
where the rights and liberties of others would be infringed upon while providing
special privileges and protections to a certain group. And among those special
privileges and protections are enhanced consequences, fines, penalties, punishment
etc. against violators of those laws protecting special classes of people.
What have all these special protection laws done? They enhance
the inequality among the population. Equality would be equal application and
enforcement of laws towards all people. Lack of enforcement has been the
problem in many cases. Certainly there have and are discriminatory laws that
need to be changed or eliminated. But laws that give certain classes of the
population special protections and privileges can make other people in the
population disgruntled or fearful towards those special classes. This is not
So here is my conclusion. There are very few peaceable assemblies of people voicing their grievances, as described by our Constitutional right. Because there are so few lawful protests, I am willing to lump the majority of protesters with rioters because most protesters disregard the rights and liberties of others and they show a disregard for law and order. Many protesters are disrespectful and even hateful of others, particularly those who may be opposed to their movement.
Many protesters have gained partial rule or control by fear, intimidation. There are places where mayors allow protesters almost free reign and law enforcement are fearful of doing anything. Corporations, businesses, and other organizations cower in fear towards the threats of protesters and succumb to the demands of the mob/protesters.
Is this what we want in America? Mob rule? Fear of unlawful retribution and retaliation? Instead of a land of the free, we are moving towards increased inequality and unfairness as most protests want to push the country away from law and order.
I fully support the Constitutional right to peaceably assemble to voice grievances.
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