The foxes and the chickens

As I was writing my last post I wrote the following:

The acceptance of allowing anyone in any public position of influence, control, authority, or power to infringe, limit, regulate, mandate, order, legislate, adjudicate, control, usurp, or restrict any Constitutional right or liberty is like allowing the fox to guard the chickens. 

As I wrote it I came up with more about the chickens and foxes, which I originally included between the last few paragraphs. I removed the paragraphs about the foxes and chickens for that post but thought I'd make a new post with them. Here is how the end of the previous post was originally written:

The acceptance of allowing anyone in any public position of influence, control, authority, or power to infringe, limit, regulate, mandate, order, legislate, adjudicate, control, usurp, or restrict any Constitutional right or liberty is like allowing the fox to guard the chickens. 

For most people who seek for influence, control, authority, or power over others (like most career politicians), if you give them what they want, they will want more. Too many mayors, governors, and other politicians have experienced increased power and authority through lockdowns and various mandates or orders. They feel it is their right to take control and to limit Constitutional liberties of others, for the public good. They set themselves above the Constitution. 

The chickens don't see the danger with the foxes guarding. Maybe the chickens had some initial fears, hesitations, or reservations about the foxes and their ideas of guarding. But to the chickens, the foxes present themselves as capable defenders and protectors. And the foxes convince the chickens to put aside their fears and to trust in the foxes' expertise, knowledge, and experience to know what is best for the chickens. Unknown to the chickens, the foxes aren't planning to eat all the chickens but their plan to glut themselves on the chickens for as long as possible.

What happens the next time an emergency happens, or the next flu pandemic occurs? If these people have not been voted out, they will be more likely to quickly take the control, power, and authority they desire. They will see no problem with increased infringement, limitations, and restrictions on Constitutional rights and liberties of the people.

What happens when our Constitutional rights and liberties are threatened with infringement, limitations, restrictions, etc.? What happens when we have to get permission or authorization to exercise a Constitutional right? 

What do the foxes do? They convince the chickens the increased limitations, regulations, permissions, restrictions, etc. are for the good of all. They tell the chickens these measure are for safety and protection. They convince the chickens that these threats aren't threats but will help save even one life, so it's worth it. And when the chickens have lost their freedoms and rights and become reliant and dependent on the protection of the foxes, where does that leave the chickens?

The foxes will distract the chickens from what is really happening and the chickens won't notice the occasional disappearance or anomaly from their normal protected life. When Chicken Little cries some crazy thing like the sky is falling, then the foxes will make sure that chicken is either disbelieved or becomes silent. But the foxes are getting more greedy and it's becoming harder to hide what they are doing. And when something happens that changes what normal is, the foxes scramble to maintain and increase their control. 

PreVirus is a beginning.

What the chickens need is to realize they aren't chickens but eagles who can fly and have the power to take back control from the foxes. This is the fear of the foxes, that the eagles will discover who they really are, that they don't need the foxes to protect them, and they actually have the power to throw the foxes out and put in other eagles as protectors who value the freedom of flying.


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