The better alternative to the COVID vaccine

 Do you know how to reduce your chances of an adverse COVID illness?

Here's a hint. It doesn't include getting the vaccine.

I read some of these articles last year, but the media didn't cover them then. Since Biden was sworn in I've seen more of these articles in the "mainstream" media.

So how do you reduce your chances of getting COVID, and reduce the likelihood of a serious illness if you get it?


More specifically making sure your body has the vitamins and minerals it should have. And get more physically fit.

There are studies that show patients with healthier immune systems were less likely to be hospitalized, and if they were hospitalized they got over COVID faster. There are studies that show healthier COVID patients were less likely to die (even the elderly one). There are studies showing that increasing your fitness reduces your chances of a serious bout of COVID (not to mention it reduces your chances of serious illnesses).

But there isn't money in vitamins and minerals.

And most people want the magic pill...or in this case magic they can keep on doing what is comfortable to them.

If they have the excuse to keep eating unhealthy and living an unhealthy lifestyle by simply taking a vaccine to reduce their fear of an illness, then it's worth it to them.

Instead of eating better, getting more physical activity, and becoming healthier...which would make their life better...most people would rather take a vaccine and keep on living their lives as "normal".

Why? Because eating better and increasing physical activity is hard. It's not a quick-fix. Results may take weeks or months to see. 

Eating more healthy foods and incorporating some exercise into the day isn't seen as comfortable for most people, so it's hard for them.

It's like getting rich. Most people see getting rich as hard work, involving uncomfortable changes and taking a long time. Unless you can win playing lotto or gambling. Too many see gambling as the magic pill to get rich. But, unless the person has good financial habits in place, that is they are already financially healthy or employing financial discipline, if the money comes it will also go quickly.

Getting the COVID vaccine may be like a gamble. Is it a short-term "win"? It promoted as such. But we don't know what the long-term results are.

We do know, and it has been proven by many tests, studies, and research over decades, that if you eat healthier foods, get at least moderate levels of exercise, and improve your overall physical condition your long term results very positive.

And becoming healthier doesn't have negative side-effects.

Better physical fitness tends to increase your mental and emotional outlook as well.

But, politicians can't control you as well if you're healthier and feeling better about yourself and the future.

The media loses much of its power if they can't use fear to push their narrative, or the narrative/agenda of those who support them.

So, while these articles and studies aren't being suppressed by the media, they aren't being promoted by either the media or politicians. 

Better health doesn't have the fear factor. It doesn't increase peoples' reliance on the government, or on those in power and/or authority. It doesn't increase control over the lives of the people.

My guess is if there were a study that proved better health and fitness was 95% effective at reducing the likelihood of someone getting COVID, and if the person got COVID the illness would not be as severe, then the media and politicians would gloss over the study and still push the vaccine. The study could probably have the efficacy rate even closer to 100% and the media, politicians, and health departments would still push the vaccine.

But here's the added benefit. 

Not only does better health and fitness reduce the likelihood of you getting ill (I don't know what the percentage might be) from COVID, but it reduces your overall likelihood of getting any illness. AND if you get ill, you are less likely to experience severe symptoms and more likely to get well faster.

The COVID vaccine can't do that.

Remember the following. 

Most politicians want increased power, authority, and control. It's why there are so many career politicians. Most of the media is financially supported or owned by people who want increased power, authority, and control...people who have a lot of money.

If there is something that threatens to reduce the influence, power, authority, or control of those who are in positions of influence, power, authority, and/or control, then that thing will get attacked by those in those positions and by those backed/supported by those people.

You will not see the same attacks by truly independent sources. Of course, the trick is verifying independent sources that don't have some agenda to push or support.


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