Yes, you get your Constitutional freedoms but first

 We are supposed to be free. We are supposed to be guaranteed our Constitutional liberties and rights.

But that is changing.

A big "IF" is coming...

Besides the various infringements, regulations, and restrictions that whittle away our liberties and rights-- often in the name of safety, protection, or security--there is another threat.

It's coming...

It won't be long before you will only be allowed to exercise all (or what's left) of your Constitutional freedoms that revolve around your life, liberty, and pursuit of Happiness if you have proof you have the COVID vaccine.

It doesn't matter if you actually had COVID. In the minds of those in charge, those who think and believe they know better than you, having the actual disease is inferior to having the vaccine.

And, because of fear mongering (which is part of the plan to control you and the population as a whole) the majority of people are beginning to believe that having the vaccine is the key to return to "normal" and it is the key to having freedom.

Remember when the lockdown occurred? It was supposed to only be for a couple weeks. It's sole purpose was the "flatten the curve" to slow down the rate of infection.

Then the lockdown stretched into weeks and months.

CNN and other left-leaning media (which is most) made sure you knew how many people were infected and died (total the numbers always get higher).

Do you remember how much the media jumped on anything that Trump said that they didn't like (which was most things)?

Well, that same media jumps on anyone who says anything/anyone that opposes the CDC and health department guidelines. Anyone or anything that questions the authority and power of the CDC or it's selective studies and research is vilified and attacked. 

Submission to the all-powerful health department/CDC recommendations and guidelines is paramount to you being able to exercise your freedom.

Forget that there is no free and election of health department officials.

Forget that there is no representation of the population or states rights in any health department.

But remember that any politician who stands up to or questions what is stated by the CDC or health department gets attacked by the media. And the media and other politicians fan the vitriol of the public. 

So what happens?

Our liberties, our freedoms and rights, become regulated by the health department. You will only be "free" if you submit yourself to their requirements.

Forget that the vaccine is so new, accessible by the public for less than a half-year as I write this, that there are NO long term effect or efficacy studies.

Forget that you have no recourse. 

Forget that if you take the vaccine you are part of the trial. You are a test subject.

But the fear mongering has been so intense by left-leaning politicians and media that most people are more scared of the illness than the fact that they are part of the largest test subject study every undertaken. 

And the companies performing the study aren't paying you anything. In fact, they are receiving tons of money from the government to perform this test.

And you can't sue any of the companies if you suffer any ill or long-lasting effects for taking part in their test.

It's a total win for the pharmaceutical companies who have vaccines.

And now private companies and government regulations are aiding in the monetary windfall by requirements to have the vaccine for people to be free.

If may sound like I'm anti-vax. I'm not.

I'm cautious. I'm a bit suspicious.

The flu vaccine is touted as this great thing, but it has lousy efficacy. 

I really don't expect the COVID vaccine to be much better. And because it won't work as well, there will likely be required annual boosters.

Personally I have no plans or intention to receive the vaccine any time soon. I want to see at least a couple years' worth of longer term studies before I have someone inject me with stuff.

You're told it's a vaccine. 

Yes, but what else is in it? I'm not talking conspiracy stuff. There isn't a tracking device. 

I'm referring to the preservatives, additives, and other "stuff" that is added to vaccines. How does this stuff affect the body?

But people want so much to get back to "normal" they are willing to give up freedoms in an effort to reduce their fear and uncertainty.


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