Temple Ordinances are Eternal in Nature

On May 24 the First Presidency announced marriages for "time-only" will no longer be performed in the temple.

There will be people who will complain about this or get upset because they see it as a change to something the Church has done for a very long time.

I like the change. I believe it emphasizes the eternal blessings of the sealing ordinance. I think it elevates eternal marriage and further differentiates it from civil marriage.

Unfortunately marriage has become diluted in its importance. It's been under attack for decades, but same-sex marriage, which God never authorized in any way, has diminished the sacred and sweet union that marriage between a husband and wife should be.

I still think the time is coming when couples will be required to be married civilly, to meet the legal requirements of marriage, before they can be sealed in the temple. I've mentioned this in several past posts. 

I expect this announcement to come about the same time the LGBTQ+ movement gains the victory to force churches to perform any marriage ceremony. It may be coming soon, or it may still be years away. I'm hopeful the announcement will come before so the Church can't be accused of making the change because of "hate" or "bias".

Be watchful of any legal claims that are looking to force churches to perform marriages for any couple. I believe the ruling will end up something like, if a church performs a legally recognized and authorized marriage it will be required to do so for any couple desiring a lawfully recognized marriage union.

What I am wondering is if bishops and stake presidents will still be authorized to officiate at a civil marriage ceremony (where it may be legal), or if the Church will remove the burden of decision. Because there will be same-sex couples who will want their stake president or bishop to marry them, it may be that the Church will no longer authorize its clergy to perform any marriages as it may look like the Church sanctions same-sex marriage. 



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