The real reason we're seeing more "mass shootings"

 This past Monday I walked by a TV at work where CNN was reporting on a bunch of mass shootings over the weekend. I only watched for a few minutes.

In one incident two people were killed and several injured. CNN didn't state it outright, but the implication was the incident was gang related.

Similarly another "mass" shooting where a 6 year old (my heart goes out...I've got little kids and these things hurt my heart) was killed also seems to be gang-related, but CNN did not report it as gang violence.

How many other "mass shootings" are gang related?

I'm not saying these are any better. They're just as bad. The problem is these shootings are now being covered as "mass shootings"

And I realized the new strategy for gun control.

Those wanting to take guns away, who want to regulate, restrict, and even prohibit the free exercise of the Second Amendment have now decided to focus on the guns as the cause of violence and they will use any shooting event they can to push that agenda.

We will see more and more shootings labeled as mass shootings because the term "mass shooting" has now been engrained in the minds of most Americans as being a bad thing that can be controlled through increased gun control.

With Democrats in control, even with slim majorities, they are trying to leverage or strong arm legislation through to push their agenda.

Here's my question for all gun control advocates?

How will gun control stop violence? 

How do you get those who care nothing for law and order to comply with laws?

How do you get those who care little for the lives of others to respect life, to respect others? How will gun control change this?

Guns are just one tool used by criminals and the violent. 

Gun control does NOTHING to solve the problem. It does nothing to address mental or social problems. It does nothing to fix broken homes. It does nothing to address the lack of respect towards others and life. 

Gun control does nothing but take away rights and liberties of the law abiding.

Oh, gun control does "do" a couple other things. It makes people feel like something is being done (even though all that's happening is the infringement of Constitutional rights). And it gives politicians more political ammo to gain increased power, control, and influence.

The Democrats know that their best chance for gun control is to pass it this year because by the end of the year many House democrats and some Senators will be moving into mid-term elections. Those up for re-election will be less likely to support legislation that won't get them re-elected.

With many schools in lockdown, school shootings hasn't been much of an option. So, those pulling the strings are looking elsewhere for mass shootings that they can use to push their anti-gun agenda. 


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