The Threat of the Second Amendment

 Here's the threat, which most people (especially Liberals/Democrats but also many independents, moderates, many Republicans and even some conservatives) don't recognize or refuse to believe. There's  reason the Founding Fathers were guided to put the right to keep and bear arms as the Second Amendment, right after the First Amendment that protects the right of free speech and religion. The reason is we must ensure the protection of all of our rights, especially the right/liberty of free speech and the freedom of religion. We cannot trust others, especially those in any position of power or authority (particularly if they are "career" politicians) to protect our rights, our liberties.

The vast majority of career politicians--those who have been in "public service" where they have positions of power, control, and/or authority--are there because they crave, desire, and lust for that power, the influence, the control, the authority that comes with the position. Sure they pay lip service to "public service" and doing what's good for the people. But what's really true? When it comes to voting on legislation, are they really doing what's good for the people or what's good for them and their political ambitions?

Most people know the answer. With few exceptions, politicians do what is in their own best political interest.

The biggest threat to those in political power in a democracy-based government is the people. Expanding that, the threats the people pose are the liberties, the freedoms, the rights of the people. For someone to increase their power, authority, and/or control means others must relinquish theirs.  

The Constitution intentionally limits the powers of the federal government and even of the individual states. It's clear than anything (right, liberty, power, etc.) that isn't explicitly given to the federal or state governments belongs to the people.

But over the last several decades we have seen the slow (and now increasing) re-assignment and redistribution of the people's rights, liberties, and powers to the government, particularly going to the federal government.

Our politicians are increasing infringing on Constitutional rights through new regulations, restrictions, prohibitions, permits, legislation, etc. mostly under guise of protection and safety. The protection and safety may be from actual physical threats, like terrorism, or social issue like poverty or illness.

Bad legislation (with politically correct talking points and headlines) is passed with the media hyped need to protect our children, make our communities safer, etc. But the end result is the same: more power and control is given to the government.

And while I support certain levels of specific taxation, most of the taxes we have are infringing on our Constitutional rights. We are overtaxed. But what is the excuse given by politicians for the need to increase taxes? To provide increased protection and/or safety. Might be for a new social program or to expand "benefits". Maybe it's to make something safer.

Some of the worst taxes are real property tax (you never actually own your home or land, you just rent it from the government in the form of an annual lease called property tax), and personal property tax on business owners. In many parts of the country a business is taxed every year on the personal property (items such as furniture, computers, equipment, etc.) it "owns". Yes, you pay tax on the same personal property each year.

These taxes, just like most legislation, do not empower the people. They infringe on our rights, our liberties, the freedoms that the Constitution granted to each of us. They increase the influence, control, authority, and power of the government (and those elected into government positions) over us.

What's the single biggest threat?

Free speech is one, but that is being more effectively controlled through ambiguous "hate" speech legislation, and social backlash against anything real or perceived as being bigoted, racist, or even unfairly biased. Anything that doesn't match the social agenda is attacked. Even personal opinions, thoughts, or beliefs that don't match the narrative are attacked...even though we supposedly have "freedom" to express ourselves.

Similarly freedom of religion is attacked. In the next few years we'll see even more restrictions or prohibitions on the "free" exercise of religion should that free exercise even appear to infringe on the "rights" of others.

The biggest threat is what could actually reset the country back to Constitutional liberties we are supposed to enjoy, those God-given rights and freedoms. That threat is the right for the people to keep and bear arms, to rise up against government tyranny.

So, we will continue to see and hear of increasing "gun violence" and "mass shootings" and anything that will paint guns as the evil that must be controlled and eliminated to increase our protection and safety.

Personally I'm hopeful our Constitutional liberties and rights can be maintained and preserved.


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