When Do You Follow the Prophet?

 Oh, the hypocrisy. 

How many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cite "Follow the Prophet" when it meets their needs or justifies their actions, but then ignore other statements and actions of the prophet?

And it's not just members of the Church. Most people justify their actions because someone else did it, but when you call them on not doing the other things that same person did, they just stare blankly, ignore you, or rationalize some reason.

It seems to start as children. We use others an excuse for why we did or did not do something. 

"Why did you hit your sister?" "She hit me first." But, it rarely goes the other way. "I am nice and kind to my sister because that is how I want her to treat me."

Members of the Church who blindly support the still experimental COVID vaccines as the panacea for ending the pandemic, point to the fact that the prophet got the vaccine. "We need to follow the prophet. He got the vaccine. If you follow the prophet, you need to get the vaccine."

But, how many of those members of the Church will watch sporting events on Sunday? Or do other activities on Sunday which really aren't Sabbath-worthy?

How many of those members will follow President Nelson's lifestyle where exercise and diet are concerned? He doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't eat meat. And he exercises regularly.

And guess what? Eating meat "sparingly" and only in times of need is pleasing to the Lord. 

How many members of the Church point to President Nelson taking the vaccine and raise the rallying cry "Follow the Prophet and get vaccinated", yet they do not follow his example in diet, and what is commanded by the Lord in section 89?

"12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

"13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

And please remember that while the Church has been, and still is, and advocate for vaccinations, there is no commandment to get vaccinated. It is encouraged and suggested, but the Church, and our Prophet, knows vaccinations are a personal choice.

Despite the claims of "proof" of vaccines being safe, the truth is no vaccine is 100% safe. Even all foods aren't 100% safe for all people. People die from allergic reactions to food and reactions to vaccines.

Vaccinations are where personal revelation is required. 

I am not an anti-vaxxer. I understand and appreciate the concept of vaccination.

But vaccinations have changed over the years. Big Pharma is all about profit and satisfying shareholders.

Some vaccinations may be safer than others. Which ones, I don't know. 

What about other areas of "follow the prophet?"

How many members study their scriptures as counseled by prophets?

What about getting prepared?

What about living within one's means and avoiding debt like a plague?

I already touched on this, but how many members are keeping the Sabbath day holy?

Here's the problem with the "follow the prophet" argument. Unless you do everything the prophet does, you're a hypocrite in using selected actions or statements made by a prophet to justify what you want.

But people will push the "follow the prophet" argument because it makes them feel good. Because they did something simple, like get two shots, they suddenly feel like they are following the prophet. Forget the fact they probably do little in other areas of their lives to follow the prophet. Getting a vaccine is the "easy button" to get on the "follow the prophet" bandwagon. And they will point fingers at those who choose to not get the vaccine as "not following the prophet" even if the other person is keeping all the commandments of the Lord and following actual prophetic counsel and instruction as given in Conference and other Church addresses.

If the prophet is not teaching the principle or doctrine as the Lord's prophet, giving us the word of the Lord as given to him, then he is simply living the best he knows how and giving us the best counsel and advice he knows at the time.

Here's my advice. Follow the prophet's counsel that he has preached over and over from General Conference and other addresses: learn to get revelation for yourself and for your family. Then, remember, your revelation is for you and those under your stewardship. Respect others and their choices, including the choice to receive or reject a vaccine.


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