Who gets to vote? It's all about power, but not of, by, or for the people

 Here's the question: Who should be allowed to vote for U.S. Senators and members of Congress in the House of Representatives?

Should foreigners get to vote in United States elections?

For the past several years there's been a constant, unrelenting pounding of the drum by Democrats and Liberals about Russian or Chinese or other influence in U.S. elections.

So, if you are concerned about foreign influence swaying the election, wouldn't you want to also make sure so don't have any foreigners actually voting in the election?

To a reasonable person, it makes sense that U.S. citizens should vote for their U.S. Senators and Representatives. Foreigners should not be allowed or permitted in any way to actually vote.

Doesn't that make sense?

So how do you make sure foreigners are not voting for your senators and representatives and even the president?

Simple. You only allow citizens to vote. And, that means if you want to vote you should be required by law to prove you are a legal citizen of the country. Not a tourist. Not a visitor. Not a foreign exchange student.

This means there must be some kind of government authorized identification that denotes whether someone is a legal citizen, and that identification must be provided and authenticated when someone votes.

Yes, this makes it less convenient, less easy to vote. It means people must show up to vote. It means there would be more legal hoops to jump through for mail-in or absentee voting.

And it also means there is far less likelihood of a foreigner voting. Or worse, lots of foreigners voting and changing the election outcome.

But that's what the Democrats want. They don't want people to prove they are citizens with legal right to vote. They want voting freely open to all "citizens" to exercise their Constitutional right to vote. And if there is any identification requirement, the ID is something easily obtained by anyone, without having to prove their citizenship.

Their argument adds that having to prove citizenship with an ID or other means would discourage people from voting and make it harder and less convenient to do so.

But they don't tell you that their open voting also allows anybody in the country to vote. Any and all foreigners could go in person or receive a mail-in ballot without having to prove their citizenship.

And, they won't tell you this either, most of those foreigners are illegals and those who depend on Democrat/Liberal handouts. 

So, who do you think those foreigners will vote for? Those who continue to give them handouts.

Now I do not advocate making it too difficult to prove citizenship. The current means (like providing a certified birth certificate) is adequate to gain a government ID. 

And I do want foreigners to be able to get a driver's license, at least proving to some degree they can drive safely on our roads.

But driver's licenses should have some citizenship indicator. Some seal or something that is easily identified to a voting official or for officially requesting an absentee or mail-in ballot.

Sure, things could be counterfeited. But there would be a lot less counterfeit voting seals compared to voting that is freely open to all.

The Democrats and Liberals want to open voting to all because they know it will help them retain power. It doesn't give power to the U.S. citizens who are legal to vote. It gives the Democrat and Liberal politicians the power over the people.

Here's the test you need to apply: Does the legislation (which will become law if passed) help protect and preserve the Constitutional rights and liberties of legal citizens, keeping the power with and for the U.S. citizens? Or, does the legislation in any way infringe on Constitutional rights and freedoms, and does it shift power and control away from legal citizens?


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