Truths about Abortion

In a previous post I pointed out how abortion is propaganda.

The left frames abortion as a "woman's right" as "pro-choice." They will vilify anti-abortion efforts as being against women's rights and freedom to do with their body as they choose. They accuse anti-abortion efforts as being against freedom and choice.

On the other side, anti-abortionists want to look like they are on the right side by appealing to "pro-life." Their attack on abortion is primarily along the lines that abortion is against life and against the choice of the unborn child.

So which side is right? What's the truth?

If the "truth" has to be painted behind nice-sounding, positive, feel-good words and phrases then you need to dig deeper.

Remember: a pig with lipstick is still a pig, no matter how prettied up it is.

Sure, you want truth to be appealing and acceptable.

But look for truth by un-adorning the "facts" being presented.

Here's the first truth about abortion: Abortion kills an unborn child. 

Abortionists don't like to use words like "kill" or "murder" because those have negative connotations, so they'll come up with other feel good words or phrases to make the would-be mother feel better about her choice to terminate the life of an unborn human. Even the term "abort" is less harsh sounding than "kill" or "terminate" but the result is the same when it applies to aborting/killing an unborn child.

Now the part about abortion that has any merit for argument is whether or not there are cases or circumstances when abortion might be a viable alternative to giving birth to the baby. But, I'm not diving into when abortion might or might not be an option. All I'm pointing out is the truth of what abortion is.

So, if you support abortion you support the fact that abortion ends the life of an unborn child.

Of course, pro-abortionists will debate that an unborn child isn't "alive". But the truth is if there's a heartbeat, brain activity, growth, and other accepted signs of something being alive, then it's alive. And guess what? Unborn babies are alive.

Using their argument about an unborn child not being alive could easily be extended to any person dependent on life support to live. Remove the life support, the person will likely die. The mother is the life support for an unborn child. Remove the child from its life support and it will likely die. 

But abortion is worse than simply removing the child from its life support. 

The goal of any abortion procedure is the same: make sure the child is dead. Most of the time the abortion happens before the baby is removed (often is pieces) from the womb.

And if you believe that an unborn child doesn't feel anything, you're misled. It's just propaganda pushed by pro-abortionists to make people think it doesn't hurt the baby. The truth is there is plenty of evidence that unborn children, especially after the first trimester, do feel, do sense things, and they do react to threats.

So the truth is if you support abortion you are at least to some degree against life. If you support a "woman's right" to unconditionally have an abortion, then you are not for life for all. If you're anti-abortion then you are more likely to value life.

The second truth: the abortion procedure (the death) of the unborn human is caused by the choice of someone else. Usually that choice is by the would-be mother.

So, pro-abortionists are right, if you choose to get an abortion you choose to terminate the life of a child. It's your choice to kill someone who has no choice and is completely dependent on your choice.

I don't think abortion should be completely outlawed. There are legitimate (and very limited) circumstances when an abortion procedure might be the only or best outcome. However, life is sacred. All life should be valued. All those who kill an innocent child, either through choice or association with that choice, will be held accountable and responsible for their choice by the Great Judge.

I'll diverge a bit on the spiritual side. 

I believe abortion is an offense to God and to the unborn child. The Lord said in Luke chapter 17:

1 Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

There's a story in the Old Testament about Kind David who committed adultery and got the woman pregnant. The woman was the wife of one of the king's soldiers who was off in battle. In an attempt to hide his action, the king had the soldier brought back from battle, hoping the soldier would go home and sleep with his wife. But the man didn't sleep in his house. The king was upset that his plan didn't work so he sent the man back to war and had him on the front lines where he was killed. Then the king married the woman.

The king didn't kill the baby, but look at his choices. He choose an act that resulted in pregnancy. Then he choose to kill someone because of the results/consequences of his initial choice.

While it may not be exactly the same, in most cases women who are seeking an abortion are looking to terminate the consequence of an action they committed by terminating a life. Remember I said "most" and not all. They don't want the life-long and life-changing consequence, the "inconvenience", of their choice. so, they are looking for some way out of it. The choose to kill a life because the they don't want to live with the consequences of a previous choice.

And here's another truth. It's one that is ignored, glossed over, or dismissed by pro-abortionists because it doesn't fit with their propaganda. The truth is those who choose to kill an unborn child will live with all the mental, emotional, as well as any physical and spiritual, consequences for the entirety of their lives. Willingly choosing to kill an innocent, fully dependent unborn child will haunt the woman for the rest of her life, especially in cases where the death was unnecessary.

There are some women who are callous and unfeeling, who seem to not suffer any of the ill effects of their choice. But the truth is most women are feeling, are caring, and the decision to abort a child weighs heavily on them for the rest of their life.

In most cases, the best option for an unwanted pregnancy is to choose to go through the nine months of inconvenience and difficulties, give birth, and then choose to give the child to a couple who will love and provide for the child. Nine months is a small price of inconvenience compared to a lifetime of mental and emotional anguish and issues that all but the most unfeeling of women experience from an abortion procedure.

The truth is anti-abortion is about accepting responsibility and choosing better choices, both for the mother and the unborn child.


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