Idlers and Greediness

Yesterday I was reading D&C section 68. In verse 30, the Lord told the inhabitants of Zion to "remember their all faithfulness."

Then in verse 31 the Lord states:

"Now, I, the Lord, am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion, for there are idlers among them; and their children are also growing up in wickedness; they also seek not earnestly the riches of eternity, but their eyes are full of greediness."

Unfortunately, the members of the Church, as a whole, have fallen back into this state. Not all of them, but a majority could probably fit into one of these four categories:

  • Those who are idle, who do not perform their labors faithfully.
  • Those whose children are "growing up in wickedness." 
  • Those who are not seeking "earnestly" after "the riches of eternity".
  • Those whose eyes "are full of greediness."

Regarding the teaching of children, section 68 is the same section where in verses 25-28 the Lord tells parents they have the responsibility to teach their children the principles of the Gospel, including to pray and "to walk uprightly before the Lord" or "the sin be upon the heads of the parents."

The teaching of children falls into the labors parents need to perform in faithfulness. This is not a guarantee that the children will all be righteous, because each child still has their own agency to choose. But, if a child is taught while still young, and that teaching is consistently and continuously taught with love and example, then the child is much less likely to fall away. And by teaching the child what is right, the child becomes responsible and accountable for their sins.

Since children learn by example, if the parents are not performing their labors faithfully, are pursuing the ways and riches of Babylon, and lust and greed become their motivators, then that is what the child learns.

It is very interesting there is one joining verse between how the parents are responsible and accountable for teaching their children and the verse on performing our labors faithfully and not being idle.

"And the inhabitants of Zion shall also observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy." (verse 29)

On a casual reading, this verse almost seems out of place, like it was just added. Sort of like those sections which are a compilation of revelations.

However, the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy is extremely important, and it relates to both the teaching of children and our labors. It is one of those commandments which seems to keep being repeated. It is one of the doctrines that parents must teach their children. It is a doctrine which applies to performing our labors faithfully, where we should not be laboring on the Sabbath whenever possible.

The faithful observance of the law of the Sabbath also helps us to pursue the "riches of eternity." It helps us "walk uprightly before the Lord." The faithful observance of the Sabbath is pleasing to the Lord.

Unfortunately, along with the four categories mentioned previously, this is a fifth category. There are too many members who are not keeping the Sabbath day holy. And this category also encompasses many of those who fit into one or more of the first four.


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