Those who followed Lucifer (post updated 16 Oct 2017)

This post will be almost entirely my own thoughts and opinion. Like some other posts, I do occasionally make some additions to this post.

For some reason, I got thinking this morning about how there are evil spirits (devils, if you will) of differing strength. Just like mortals have differing abilities and strengths, those spirits who chose to follow Lucifer also had different talents, abilities, and strengths.

Then I was wondering about Lucifer's plan, and why so many--a third--of the hosts of heaven would follow his plan.

We have always had the freedom to choose. In heaven, with our unveiled knowledge and experience with the Father and our eternal family, there wasn't likely any desire to do, or even to choose to do, that which was contrary to the laws of heaven. If someone did choose to not follow the laws, undoubtedly there were immediate consequences. But I suspect it probably didn't happen, that is, I doubt there were those who did not follow the laws of heaven in heaven. At least, not until after Lucifer presented his plan, his plan was rejected, and he rebelled against God and drew a third of the hosts of heaven after him.

I hadn't really given much thought as to how Satan would have executed his plan, that is to make everyone do what was needed to return to God, so that not one soul was lost. It always seemed like he would be the one forcing everyone to do what was needed. But, I realized he would have probably recruited help.

I think those who chose to follow Satan probably fall into two general categories. The first category encompasses all those who wanted a guarantee to return to God. These did not want to risk the chance of not returning to heaven.

But was that the primary reason for all of those who rebelled? If it was, then many of those spirits were probably fairly weak-willed and wanted to be told what to do, rather than to make their own choices.

However, this doesn't really explain how some evil spirits could be stronger than others, if they all wanted to simply be subjected and be told what to do.

Then I got to thinking about what the adversary's plan is. To eliminate free agency, our freedom to choose. It is to make everyone subject, by force and not by choice, to someone else. (In an earlier post, I've given some thoughts as to how the devil will cheat, and I believe it was his goal to cheat to become a god

But how would Lucifer accomplish this, to force everyone to return to God?

This is where the second category of spirits who followed Satan come in.

I am purely speculating here, but my guess is he had a lot of power hungry, greedy, arrogant, and prideful spirits willing to follow him because he probably promised them they would be kings, rulers, presidents, dictators, etc. and would have the power to force everyone to do what was required to return to heaven. I am certain many of these spirits were very strong, in will and abilities. Many of these were probably flattered, convinced, and enticed by Lucifer to support him in exchange for power, glory, and even the vain things of mortal life. Perhaps Lucifer even promised these "elite" followers higher glory at the end, in exchange for their mortal service in helping return all of God's children to him. Many of these spirits are probably very intelligent. Many of these probably considered themselves better than the "average" spirit, just like how too many of the "learned" intellectuals in mortality seem to think they are better than others. They may have thought (and maybe still do) that they know more than God and did not need his plan to achieve eternal life.

Think of it this way. How successful do you think you could be going up alone against a subject matter expert in their particular field of expertise? What if that expert had thousands of years of experience, and had also become an expert in many other fields of study? Add to that, the expert does not have a spiritual veil that prevents him or her from remembering what happened before the world existed. This includes the millennia and eons of knowledge they attained before the world began. Can you expect to win a confrontation with that expert if you are on your own, with your knowledge and "expertise" limited only to what you have learned and experienced since being born on this earth?

I think some people have the mistaken notion that just because those who followed Lucifer can no longer progress--that they can't receive their own physical body, can't return to God, and can't receive any degree of glory--that they must not be able to learn and increase in knowledge. Obviously they must be able to learn or they would not be able to adapt and adjust temptations as humanity progressed technologically. If they can learn, then they can retain the knowledge obtained from that learning.

While there were undoubtedly many spirits who were weak willed, and willing to be subjected to the master of lies, there are certainly many "intellectual" spirits, ambitious, highly intelligent, and full of pride who followed those lies as well.

And while most people may not relate organization to those evil spirits, I am guessing they are organized. Just as an army is organized into its ranks, the followers of the adversary are likely organized under generals, captains, and leaders of groups of varying sizes. This is not to say they are controlled by order and always obey their instructions. Hate and anger burn within them, and these are difficult to control.

Try to imagine how many billions of people have lived on this earth during the past 6,000+ years. In the year 2000, the earth's population was estimated at 6.1 billion. In 2016, the population estimate was over 7.4 billion. A 2012 BBC article,, estimates 107 billion people have lived on the earth. Of course, their claim is this is over the past 50,000 years. Very low estimates put the total population who have lived on the earth at 20 billion, and there are also higher estimates. Now factor in how many more people will be born.

From that final total number, half of that is the number of spirits who followed after Lucifer and were cast out of heaven for rebellion. So, at a very conservative population total of 60 billion, there would be 30 billion evil spirits running rampant on the earth. Or, 4+ evil spirits per living person. And that is on a very conservative end. If the earth's population total is 120 billion, then the number who followed Satan would be 60 billion (8+ evil spirits per living person at the present time). Not knowing the actual number, this is purely guessing.

This is not to say every person has a fixed number of evil spirits trying to tempt them. There are probably some who have more, some with less, and probably even some who rarely have any. And there are certainly differing numbers depending on where the person is and what they are doing. It may be that when a person yields to a temptation that more evil spirits pounce, attracted to the act like sharks to blood. And it could be that in some cases, a very wicked person has few evil spirits influencing them because the person needs little motivation to pursue iniquity. And at the same time, a very righteous person may have even more evil spirits trying to influence him/her.

When I considered this possible perspective I realized even more that we need to be very careful of anything that might entice evil spirits, from music to movies, from the use of harmful substances to becoming involved with the profane or occult, and being aware of where we are and keeping ourselves in locations more conducive to the Holy Spirit. While some evil spirits may be considered weak, there are many who are not weak. They are cunning, intelligent, beguiling. They may lack the power that comes with a physical body, and their power pales in comparison to God's, but they still have power.

We need to do all we can to stay close to Lord, and to be led by the Holy Spirit. For priesthood holders, there are reasons we have been told by prophets and apostles that we need power in the priesthood, and not just priesthood authority. I suspect one of the reasons is because we need increased power against the increasing power of the evil one and his followers during these last days.

It is imperative that we fortify our families, and our homes. We cannot afford to allow any weaknesses in the armor and protection that keeps us shielded from the attacks of the adversary. Too many of us willingly do things that invite evil spirits into our homes, and most of the time we do so not realizing what it is we are doing, usually because it is commonly done and we don't see any harm in it.

Here are a couple of warnings from general authorities in a couple old conference addresses:

Elder Boyd K. Packer (
“A warning: there is a dark side to spiritual things. In a moment of curiosity or reckless bravado some teenagers have been tempted to toy with Satan worship. Don’t you ever do that! Don’t associate with those who do! You have no idea of the danger! Leave it alone! And there are other foolish games and activities that are on that dark side. Leave them alone!” (Ensign, May 1989, 54).

President James E. Faust (
“No good can come from getting close to evil. Like playing with fire, it is too easy to get burned: ‘The knowledge of sin tempteth to its commission.’ … The only safe course is to keep well distanced from him and any of his wicked activities or nefarious practices. The mischief of devil worship, sorcery, casting spells, witchcraft, voodooism, black magic, and all other forms of demonism should be avoided like the plague” (Ensign, Nov. 1987, 33).

Also from President Faust's address:
"The power to resist Satan may be stronger than we realize. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught: 'All beings who have bodies have power over those who have not. The devil has no power over us only as we permit him. The moment we revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power' (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938, p. 181)....He also stated, 'Wicked spirits have their bounds, limits, and laws by which they are governed' (History of the Church, 4:576). So Satan and his angels are not all-powerful."


"Satan has had great success with this gullible generation. As a consequence, literally hosts of people have been victimized by him and his angels. There is, however, an ample shield against the power of Lucifer and his hosts. This protection lies in the spirit of discernment through the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift comes undeviatingly by personal revelation to those who strive to obey the commandments of the Lord and to follow the counsel of the living prophets."

Some interesting links

"Understanding Spiritual Evil in the Context of Psychotherapy" by Ronald L. Poulton

An interesting account of a person's experience with homosexuality, evil spirits, and coming out of "same gender attraction and...into the light." (You don't need a Dropbox account to view the file, you can just select "No thanks and continue to view" when Dropbox asks you to sign in or to create an account)

A copied article from the Millennial Star

One person's experience with evil spirits


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