The Promise of the Land of Promise

In a previous post I showed where Moroni identifies the Jaredites as having lived, and were destroyed, in "this north country." And, as he was very likely writing in the records cave at Hill Cumorah, or in the vicinity, "this north country" would refer to North America, and more particularly the United States.

Moroni and his father Mormon gave several warning directed to us. Some are for everyone. Some are specifically for those of us living in the "land of promise, which is choice above all other lands" (Ether 2:7).

Verses 8 -1 12 of Ether chapter 2 contain the promise of the land of promise.

If we serve God, our country will be "free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven" (verse 12).

But, if we do not serve God, we "will be swept off when the fulness of his wrath" comes upon us (verse 9), which will not come "until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off" (verse 10).

The fulness of wrath is the complete destruction of the nation. It's what happened to the Nephites. It happened to the Jaredites.

Part of the lessons taught by the Book of Mormon is what happens when a nation--which started out by following God, was established under God, and was delivered by God from its enemies--turns its back on God.

The cycle from good to bad seems to repeat itself. The difference is the bad side slowly gets worse. When its bad enough, destruction happens.

For the Nephites they encountered three nation-changing events. It could be argued there was more, but I will focus on what I see as the three big ones.

The first one happened around 279 and 130 B.C. We don't know the details but the people had grown and prospered, and had increased in wickedness, and had gone through this cycle a few times, which also included wars with the Lamanites. Then Mosiah was "warned of the Lord" (Omni 1:12) to leave the land with as many as would listen to him.

We don't know what was about to happen. My guess is the nation was about to face a destruction-level event. Maybe an overwhelming attack by the Lamanites. Maybe a major natural disaster. But, it appears this warning to flee the land was given to everyone and only those who "would hearken unto the voice of the Lord" followed Mosiah.

The second event was the thorough destruction of the wicked at the time of the Lord's death. I mentioned it in my previous post, attempting to describe some of the destruction and, possible, changes that might have occurred.

This second destruction was much more thorough. Those who were spared were a few righteous, and those who were not as wicked as the rest. The Lord actually tells them they were spared because they were more righteous than those who were destroyed (3 Nephi 9:13) but they needed to still repent of their sins and be converted.

Such a dramatic event, between the destruction and the Lord's visit, had a deep and lasting effect on the people and their children. But, it lasted less than 200 years, and then the people were falling back into pride (4 Nephi 1:24).

The third event was a nation destroying one. The cycle continued, with the people falling back into pride quickly. It also seems that a greater percentage were also more wicked, with fewer and fewer repenting and returning to God.

That third event happened in about 385 A.D., which was less than 200 years from when the people had begun to return to their pride.

Did you notice a rough pattern?

Before Mosiah, the last known year was 279 B.C., which was with Amaron. He passed the plates to his brother Chemish, probably in that year. Chemish then passes them on to his son Abinadom, who later gives them to his son Amaleki. Amaleki is the one who introduces us to Mosiah. We don't know the years each person had the plated, but with three people since Amaron, it would be safe to guess at least 80 years had gone by, so Mosiah's people probably fled the land by 200 B.C. It was probably more than 80 years given that Mosiah's son, King Benjamin, was king at least by 124 B.C.

So, with the destruction that happened in the Americas at the Lord's death, it was probably less than 200 years since Mosiah.

From the Lord's visit (34 AD - Nephite time reckoning) to the people turning to pride in 200 AD (incidentally, there were those who began separating themselves by 194 A.D.) there was 166 years.

The complete destruction of the Nephite nation happened in 385 A.D., or 185 years after the people were once again following the pride cycle.

The rough pattern is these major turning points occurred in a period of less than 200 years.

The United States of America was officially declared a nation in 1776. This past summer was the nation's 242nd birthday.

Interestingly, if we add 166 to 1776 we get 1942--a time when the world was embroiled in World War II. 185 years from 1776 is 1961, during the Vietnam war (1955- 1975).

Prior to World War II, the US did not get involved in many of the wars, and the country tried to remain neutral for as long as possible in WWI.

Since WWII, the country has gotten involved (officially or unofficially) in many wars.

We are also at 153 years since the conclusion of the Civil War.

The country is rapidly falling into increased iniquity. Immorality has increased and is flaunted publicly.

More and more people are turning from God.

Are we at a fulness of iniquity?

As a country, as a general whole, I would say no. We are not, yet, at a fulness of iniquity.

But, the majority of the country does support immorality, by supporting the disobedience of God's commandments of morality.

The pride cycles that come before destruction involve a greater degree of anger and division. We are experiencing increasing anger and division among the people.

I believe that our nation has survived because of the prayers of the righteous.

However, those who love iniquity are growing in numbers, as are those who support iniquity.

While the fulness of iniquity may still be many years away, from the Book of Mormon we learn it doesn't take many years to go from good to bad. I'm not sure how many pride cycles the nation has left before it reaches the fulness of iniquity, but it's probably not many.

The coming recession/depression will likely help turn some hearts back to God.

The increasing number of natural disasters will also help return some to God.

But, unless there is a substantial shift among the majority of the people, the majority of the hearts will once again turn away from God, and very likely within a short time.

I hope the nation being swept off won't happen for a long time. But, I'm not naive about the increasing wickedness.

I could be wrong and things could happen sooner (or later), but I still think the fulness of iniquity will be reached as we get closer to 2024. It's not that far off, if you think about. Only 5 years until the end of 2023.

In any case, short of the majority of the country repenting and returning to God, there aren't many more years left before the nation will be swept away by the wrath of God.


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