The problem with racism

Racism exists. But, I don't believe it is as big a problem as some news outlets, black evangelists, and certain liberal politicians want you to believe.

As I mentioned in another post, culturism is a bigger problem.

But the real problem with racism is it has become too subjective. If someone of one skin color gets or feels offended by the comments or actions of another person, whose skin color is different, then the person taking offense might call it racism, when, in fact, the "offender" actually has no prejudicial intent in what they say or do. The "racism" is purely subjective based on the "offended" person. 

Of course, those with skin-color other than white might tell you that such offensive words of actions against a white person is not racism.

The problem with racism is there is no commonly accepted social definition of what racism is. Even though the dictionary definitions should be accepted and used as what should define racism, we allow too many people to subjectively define what they think or believe racism should be.

Here's my idea.

Any action that is performed against another person with the intent to inflict or incite fear, or which causes someone to rightfully and reasonably fear for their safety and/or well-being--including being fearful of injury, death, or of abnormal mental, emotional, or physical anguish, anxiety, or repercussions--or to fear for the well-being of others in their care or to fear for their property, any such action is a form of terrorism and should be prosecuted as such. It doesn't matter what color of skin the perpetrator or victim has, the action causes fear which is the basis for terrorism.

Let's stop calling these acts "racism" and start labeling and prosecuting them acts of terror. Labeling something as racism creates and perpetrates a divide, that people of different skin color are different. Terrorism affects all of us. The so-called acts of "racism" affect all of us so they should be labelled as something that all of us relate to and understand.

There are aspects of being black that a white person cannot understand. But there are aspects of being a woman that a man can't really understand. All of us have something that others cannot fully or completely understand because all of us, even those raised in the same family, feel, experience, and understand things differently.

But we are all children of God. We should all treat each other with dignity and respect fitting to the divine heritage that we have. We should all work to raise and lift each other up.

Any action that brings one person or a group of people down, brings us all down. We need to work together so we can all rise together. 

Re-labeling racism as acts of terror might actually get people to think about its severity, and realize words and actions against a person, race, creed, or other group are words and actions against all of us who want peace, prosperity, and equality for all.


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