Which is it anti-policing or nationalized police?

If you listen to or watch the news, and all the noise from protesters, you would believe the nation has a problem in every police department, and that most police officers must be guilty of discriminating practices and/or brutality, particularly against minorities and, more specifically, against those with black skin color.

The liberals in power hear the supposed majority and aim to do something about it. That is, they aim to make Americans more dependent on the government.

Some want to completely disband police departments in exchange for increased funding in social services, schooling, and programs that can make a difference.


Some just want to defund the police.

Certainly better education, jobs, and mental health services can make a difference. But they are bandaids without addressing the real problem, which is the breakdown of the moral compass, the family, and faith in God.

And there are some who are taking steps towards a nationalized police.

This particular legislation doesn't create a national police force, but it's a step in that direction. 

This bill increasing the federal stranglehold on states and its direct influence and control on Americans.

An argument by Rand Paul against the legislation is that its anti-lynching part is too broad.

The Democrats tell you they hear your cries and will act on them. They will take control. They will impose their solutions. They will make things safe and keep you protected. They will do what so many Republicans and others fear doing. They will make sure your Constitutional liberties and rights are controlled, regulated, restricting, and, if necessary, eliminated.

Of course, what they don't tell you is they will also need to take away everyone's guns so people won't take the law into their own hands. But since there's a pesky amendment, they will just make it exceptionally hard and expensive for anyone, except the really rich, to exercise their Constitutional right. It's for the good of the majority and it'll be worth it because it will save at least one life.

They will impose restrictions on free speech to limit only what they find and approve as acceptable, where nobody will get offended or hurt. Rewards and social credits will be given to those who report violations. Fines and other penalties will be imposed on violators.

They will make sure religion doesn't interfere and create problems for anyone. They will eliminate all forms of discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, or bias so anyone can feel safe. Only religions and their religious leaders who are approved through a federal program, certifying them as meeting national compliance guidelines, will be eligible for non-profit status.

They will make sure the press reports news that is approved so you don't have to worry about anything offensive. Real news must be approved by specific national or international organizations, or by news organizations who are approved to be compliant. Fake news will be dealt with promptly with fines, penalties, and other restrictions.

They will make sure the bad guys can't hurt you and hide their activity through encrypted means.That means they need to have access to everyone's data and information, without restriction, warrants, or anything that might impede the quick discovery of threats or execution of justice. If you're a law abiding citizen you have nothing to fear.

They will preemptively act against any threat to your safety and make sure others don't have the opportunity to act in a way that might harm you or anyone you care about. Even though no criminal act has been done, they will make sure intervention is made to prevent anything bad from happening.

They will come to everyone homes, including yours, to make sure everyone is healthy and well, and if anyone is ill, a quarantine will be enforced. And if your home is unsuitable, they will make sure everyone is adequately quarantined to protect everyone else. Forget any warrant because this is for the good of the majority and that supersedes any personal rights or liberties. 

Don't worry about any perceived loss of rights or freedoms, the Constitution isn't going away. It's just being upgraded for the modern world. You will have access to free health care and education because you will be a contributing member of society. You will have also have a job that pays a living wage. And your children will be taught approved curriculum in approved schools so they can also learn to be good citizens.

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. Republicans usually aren't as blatant in their efforts to restrict or regulate Constitutional liberties and rights, but they are just as guilty in trying to increase their power, influence, authority, and control over the people. They use fear and stir up pride, hate, and anger to manipulate people to believe their way is best for the safety and protection of all.

Reminds me of a certain person who, in the great council in heaven, said he'd come to earth and make sure everyone did everything they were supposed to do, "I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost" (Moses 4:1 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/moses/4?lang=eng). How could such an offer be refused? It's a guarantee that nobody would be lost. Isn't is enticing to think that everyone will return to heaven? It's the ultimate plan that is good for the majority and it will save not just one life, but everyone.

How many spirits followed after him? A third of the hosts of heaven. And, why did they choose to follow a plan that was contrary to what God wanted? Some probably wanted to be have power and authority when they would go to earth. Many probably feared the other option, of having the freedom to choose and act for themselves, and they preferred the guarantee success route. Others probably just wanted to have everything given to them, and to have everything done for them, so they could just coast through life.

Our agency to choose, our freedom to choose what we do in this life, including how we think, what we say, and how we act, is of utmost importance to God. The purpose of life is not to just come to earth, get a body, and then go back to heaven. It is a proving ground. A test. Are we willing an able to become like God by learning to do his will?

"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;" (Abraham 3:25 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/abr/3?lang=eng)

How can we prove we are worthy of eternal life if we aren't give the freedom to choose?

America's real issue is a moral one. Too many people are turning away from God. They are turning away from the good moral values taught by the Lord, such as to love thy neighbor as thyself. Too many are increasing in their pride, their sense of entitlement, and pursing after lustful desires, greed, and accolades of the world (even if it's just through "likes" or the number of "friends" on social media). 

The family is increasingly under attack. Freedom to worship God is under attack. Freedom to speak one's opinions is under attack. Constitutional liberties are under attack.

The adversaries to freedom want you to believe that the safer option is to give up your rights and liberties in exchange for the perception of safety and protection. They want you to believe that people aren't capable of making good choices, but must be told what to do and how to do it. They don't believe in teaching good principles and letting the people govern themselves. They want you to believe that the best option is for you to be governed in all areas of you life by those in power and authority, who know what is "best" for you and your life, as well as what your best contribution to society will be.


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