easiness and willingness

The phrase "easiness and willingness" really jumped out at me as I was reading Helaman 6:36.

"And thus we see that the Lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the Lamanites, because of their easiness and willingness to believe in his words."

Contrast that to the previous verse:

 "And thus we see that the Spirit of the Lord began to withdraw from the Nephites, because of the wickedness and the hardness of their hearts."

Choosing to disobey commandments, to accept sin, to not try to be and do better (repent) every day leads us to dwindling in unbelief and growing in wickedness and abominations (verse 34).

A few verses earlier (verse 31) we learn more about what the Nephites choose to do (or not do). They

  • Turned out of the way of righteousness
  • Trampled under their feet the commandments of God
  • Turned to their own ways
  • Built up to themselves idols of their gold and their silver

The wording "did build up unto themselves idols of their gold and their silver" implies not just the making of idols but that the Nephites placed greater value on riches (gold and silver) than God.

With these subtle influences the Adversary was able to gain a "hold upon the hearts" and harden the hearts.

Interesting that the majority of this chapter talks about the building up of the Gadianton robbers in the land. As the Adversary was able to increase his influence, harden hearts, and increase pride among the Nephites--many of whom were members of the Church--the Nephites (again, think members of the Church) built up and supported the agenda of the Gadianton robbers. 

This support from the members of the Church helped the robbers "overspread all of the land of the Nephites" as they "seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down to believe in their [the Gadianton's] works and partake of their spoils, and to join with them in their secret murders and combinations." (verse 38)

As a result the Gadiantons gained control of the government and "they did trample under their feet and smite and rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek, and the humble followers of God" (verse 39).

When read verse 39 the obvious meaning is those in control and power (the government) turn against those who are trying to be good Christians. In addition, I get the impression that members of the Church who have supported and built up the agenda of those in power ALSO become oppressors of the humble followers of God.

As part of my scripture study I've returned to Isaiah. And his prophesies include how many of those who are of the house of Israel (which includes members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) turn away from the Lord and follow after ways of Babylon.

I am the first to admit that I am far from a perfect Christian. I have lots to improve upon. But I am trying to do and be better every day.

I am trying to be more willing to do what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm trying to make it easier.

And that is where those two words--easiness and willingness--are key. These are about choice, about our agency. For the Lamanites they were more willing and easy to follow after Christ. For the Nephites their willingness was to chase after the easiness of the world.

We're seeing the same today. Church members easiness and willingness goes both ways.

To me it is plain to see (and read) how many members of the Church just go through the motions of righteousness, but their hearts are not in it. 

More and more Church members are making the Sabbath a day of recreation, where they might attend Church for the two hours (or watch the webcast of it) but their hearts and minds are not turned to their Lord. Their eyes and ears are turned to their idols.

More members look to be accepted and welcomed by the rest of the world, rather than to be set apart from it.

More members are not just tolerant of, but accepting and supporting of loose morals and values in society.

More members are "turned out of the way of righteousness" and "trample under their feet the commandments of God". More of them "turn unto their own ways". 

And many members justify and actively support organizations and movements that promote the turning from righteousness, trampling the commandments of God, and turning to your own ways.

And too often members only carry the banner of "follow the prophet" when he does or says something that they agree with. Other than that too many members are becoming critical of the prophet and apostles.

Just to be clear, I advocate following the prophet when he speaks as the Lord's prophet, such as when he talks in conference or clearly gives counsel from the Lord. But remember he is a man, like all prophets and apostles before him, and he does give his thoughts and opinions. 

We need to keep in mind that the Prophet (the President of the Church) and First Presidency issue administrative instructions and advice. Included in these administrative statements is the recommendation that members get the COVID vaccination. That letter was not a statement of revelation, or prophetic guidance and counsel.

I know some members of the Church were disappointed in the support for the (still experimental) COVID vaccination. Most seem to be happy about it and use it as prophetic support for the vaccination.

To me it was not a surprise to read the recommendation. It is the concern of the First Presidency that the Church continues to be allowed to meet together, that temples can be opened, that the Church is seen as good and responsible citizens. The prophet and Church leadership do not want to give the enemies of the Church any excuse to shut down religious freedom to meet together or to go to temples. Nor do they want antagonists to have anything with which to blame the Church with lack of civic responsibility.

We might see it as a way to allow Church members the continued freedom to choose the easiness and willingness of hearing and following Christ.

The Church is worldwide, and its leaders are "general" leaders. Therefore counsel and instruction is mostly given in a general sense, that is, it is applicable to the majority of Church members.

I believe most of the Apostles (if not all) along with the First Presidency are extremely aware of the threats against the Constitutional liberties and rights. They may not know specifics but they probably know that much of the government of the United States (as well as many governments in the world) are mostly under the control of various organizations of modern day Gadianton robbers. 

In just over a month Church members will get to hear from the Prophet, his counselors, the apostles, and other general leaders of the Church. The easiness and willingness of our hearts to seek after the Lord's words, and to get personal revelation, will determine how much the Lord will pour out his spirit upon us.


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