The war against freedom continues

 I hear the argument from vaccinated individuals that they don't think it's right for the unvaccinated to pose a health risk to the public.

Well, that is the price of a free country. People make choices all the time that affect others.

What you think is right doesn't mean it gives you the right to force it on others.

Long before any of us came to this earth there was a council in Heaven. A plan was presented that countered God's plan.

God's plan allowed for personal choice and accountability. It gave man agency to act. An atonement would be made that would open the doors of mercy which would satisfy the demands of justice on those who would accept the terms of mercy.

The opposing plan was aimed at those who were fearful of making bad choices. It was focused on those wanting an easy life, a life that would be guaranteed safe and protected from the bad choices of others. The plan was presented as idyllic because everyone would do what they were supposed to do and everyone would return to God. Sounds good, doesn't it.

How would the opposing plan work? Easy. The plan's proposer, Lucifer, said he'd make sure everyone did what they were supposed to do. He would force them to do what was right to return to God. There would be no personal choice, nor accountability.

A third of the hosts of heaven were so convinced of Lucifer's plan that they rebelled against God's plan and, as a result of their choice, were cast out of heaven.

The war against personal freedom, against liberty and choice, against our God-given rights is still raging.

Lucifer, now known as Satan or the Adversary, does all he can to lure people in power and authority to lust after more, to exert more control and power over people. 

Socialism is attractive to the common person because it appears to appeal to equity and fairness. Socialism appeals to the power hungry because it can only be enforced through government authority and control, which government we refer to as communism. And communism is very much what the Adversary was proposing in his plan.

One of the Adversary's most effective methods is to use fear to convince people to give up liberties and freedom in exchange for a sense of safety and security. Fear is a powerful tool of those in power or authority.

Another effective tool is pride, especially when comparing to others. Pride includes those who believe they know what is best for others. It includes those who attack the beliefs of others, or puts them down, or mocks them. It also includes those who set themselves up as being better than others, whether it's because they belong to a certain movement, race, religion, or vaccination status.

To be absolutely clear: Requiring vaccines is a violation of personal liberty. It forces someone to have something put into their body either by fear of retaliation, penalty, or coercion. Vaccine mandates, where there were previously none, tells the people that if they want to live a "normal" life they have to follow new rules where the public is more important than individual rights.

And requiring proof of vaccination is a violation of privacy. Health laws were supposed to make one's health and medical conditions more private. Proof of vaccination will result in discrimination in the name of public health. And will the camel stop with putting his nose in that? No. More allowances and restrictions will be permitted in the name public health until the camel has kicked you out of the tent into the sand storm.

There are more serious health concerns and risks, but we have accepted those risks. Or those risks have a purpose in controlling the people so there's more of a push towards acceptance. Public health risks (physical, mental, and emotional risks) include things like alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and even pornography. These tend to enslave people in such a way that most don't even realize they're in a prison of their own making. Even many of the rich and powerful are careful in teaching their children the risks of enslaving devices such as smartphones.

Here are my questions for all the proponents of mandated vaccinations.

Are you supporting mandated vaccinations because you're allowing fear to control you?

Are you against freedom of choice because you believe some "experts" know what's best for everyone?

Based on the last 18 months, which is more likely: a vaccine that allows us to go back to normal, or a continuing evolution of changes that, if left unchecked, will continue to quickly erode personal choice and liberties through increasing government regulations, restrictions, mandates, legislation, etc. as those in power continue to usurp more power and authority from the people?


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