Vaccine requirements are coming

 The world went from "we're going to shut things down for a few weeks to flatten the curve" to what will likely be a vaccine requirement if you want the freedom of a normal life.

Forget the fact that it's extremely unethical to require people to have a vaccine that has no long-term studies. Not to mention there will be no long term studies because there is no control group to compare the study to.

All of those who believed the lockdowns would only last a few weeks were proven wrong as it lasted months.

And there were/are politicians and health department directors who loved the extra power and authority. They didn't care what effect lockdowns have on mental or emotional health. All they cared about was the power they felt, power that came with the ability to lock people out of normal life, and power that came with the continuous fear-mongering.

Then came the promise of vaccines that were being developed. Surprisingly some of the vaccines started being developed within a few weeks of COVID-19 being identified. Then those vaccines went to human trials quickly and progressed to emergency authorization within a few short months.

Those seeing the writing on the wall, the impending and continuing threat against personal freedom and choice, started clamoring that vaccines would be required and vaccine cards would become your passport to a normal life.

Most people laughed at that thought. That wouldn't happen in America. Maybe in a communist/socialist society.

But the fear kept pounding into people.

A new variant. Another. Then the Delta variant and cases and hospitalizations increased.

Supposedly the vaccinated aren't as affected and aren't as likely to be hospitalized. But, what's that in the fringe news...are vaccinated people really COVID spreaders? Are they getting the illness, with mild or no symptoms, and spreading it to the unvaccinated?

Sounds very conspiratorial. But so did the idea that lockdowns would last more than a few weeks. Or that vaccines would become required.

Whatever the truth is behind the vaccine effectiveness, the fact remains that more and more places are or will be requiring proof of vaccination. 

Even my employer, a public university, which did not require vaccination for the fall semester, sent out an email that all students will be required to be vaccinated in the spring. We'll find out in the near future whether employees and faculty will have the same requirement.

I'm neither convinced of the vaccine's effectiveness nor it's alleged failings and ineffectiveness.

For me it was no surprise that a booster is being recommended. By next year it will become an annual vaccination. And, unlike flu shots, it will become a requirement for a normal life.

All because of fear and control.

Those in power love fear. Fearful people are easy to control. Fearful people are willing to give up freedoms and choice in exchange for the illusion of safety and protection.

If the vaccine is so effective, even against the Delta variant, why are so many people getting ill with COVID as vaccination levels increased? 

Yes, I know the so-called herd immunity wasn't reached. But I am certain that wouldn't have mattered. There still would've been increasing cases. Why? Because the vaccine's not a guarantee to not get COVID. Even if hospitalizations had stayed low the threat and resulting fear of COVID would have spurred the push for boosters and annual shots.

This is a step towards a universal ID chip. 

Vaccination cards are too easily counterfeited. As more control is exerted (in response to fear and with the excuse to protect public health) there will need to be a way to prove someone's health status.

There will be more COVID variants and other illnesses that will threaten public health. Some will be very serious.

Technology is at a point where implantable chips are much more than ID. They can link to smartphones. They can store more information. They can interface with health monitoring systems. They can be used as second or third factor authentication.

It's taken a year and a half to get to the increasing push for vaccine requirements. Mandates will be coming as the vaccine becomes more available.

I'm guessing within two to three years the personal ID chip will be available to make life easier and more convenient. It will monitor health. It will store personal information. It will authorize and authenticate financial transactions.

I don't think it will be the "mark of the beast" at that point. But, that's just another step or two away.

And since I mentioned that, and I won't go into it now, the "beast" has several meanings. One of the meanings of having the "mark of the beast" is that you are complicit with Babylon and its dealings.  

The ID chip probably won't start out as required. But every incentive and encouragement will be used to get people to adopt it. Within a year of that, or even sooner, there will be disincentives. 

Besides restrictions on your freedom to travel and do "normal things" there will be lots of other disincentives. Things like increased health premiums and insurance rates. Higher interest rates (because without the vaccine you'll be considered a higher risk) for loans, mortgages, and credit cards. You may even get higher taxes, or lose out on tax credits. Financial transactions will require the ID and if they don't there will likely be additional fees associated with the transaction. Wherever you can be hit with increased fees or taxes, and have your personal liberties reduced you will see disincentives.

And guess what? Because the chip will be considered secure, it will be used for background checks. Combined with it being used with financial transactions the chip will be used to track firearm and ammunition purchases.

Having a masters in cybersecurity I see all kinds of benefits to more secure online and even in-person transactions. There are some great arguments for a secure personal identification system.

But there is severe reduction in privacy. And that type of system becomes not only a huge target for the bad guys, but it becomes a very tempting target for politicians to use to exert more control and power over the people.


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