Pride Goeth Before the Fall

Sunday evening I had the thought the look at, and the top story was the pride parade that happened that day.

"Tens of thousands celebrate diversity at Utah Pride Parade downtown"

"Pride parade attendees feel sense of urgency to ‘elevate’ the LGBTQ conversation"

I didn't realize SLC has being having this parade for 42 years. I suppose it's probably because it has only been over the last decade that the anti-traditional-family movement has really gathered steam and pushed their agenda more strongly.

The KSL report stated "more than 50,000" participated in the event on Sunday, although the SL police estimated between 35,000 and 40,000 attended the parade.

On Sunday?!

That is really what stood out to me, that these people, including many members of the LDS Church, would hold and attend this event on the Lord's day. It's not enough for them to flaunt and force their anti-commandment lifestyle, but they need to do it on the Sabbath day as well. I sure Go is not pleased with the behavior of his children.

Then I saw this picture (on the KSL site, photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News -- I've cut out only sign)

What I thought of when I saw this was photographs of the hippie/counter-culture/drug movement of the late 60's and early 70's. It occurred to me that the goals aren't that much different. And, when you consider who is actually behind the various movements that target families--that is families as God ordained them to be--then it's not surprising the similarity.

Both movements try to focus on "love" and "tolerance" and "acceptance." While I'm not familiar with how the hippie movement used scriptural reference, if they did, it's not uncommon for the supporters and proponents of the LGBTQ+ movement to claim that God is accepting of their actions because God loves all his children, and we should love each other and accept people as they are.

The problem is half-truths are used. Yes, God loves all his children. But he does not condone behavior that is contrary to his commandments. When the Savior was performing his earthly ministry it is clear he did not accept behavior that was contrary to his Father's commandments. The woman caught in adultery was a great example as he said "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."  (John 8:11, this story is verses 3 to 11). People want to focus on the first part, but they ignore the admonition to "sin no more." 

I'm not sure how much longer the Lord will hold off more severe warnings, but I do know that the Lord takes no pleasure in destroying his children. He does all he can to warn and encourage them to repent and return to him. That is why, I believe, there is no definitive date for when massive judgment-scale calamities are to occur. Repentance can result in destruction not happening, or being delayed to a time when wickedness prevails again. The prayers of the faithful can also have an effect in delaying destruction.

I still think the more likely sign that a first big earthquake will happen is when medical marijuana is legalized in Utah, which will probably happen next year (2018).

Incidentally, the temperature for Sunday was about 97 degrees, or about 15 degrees hotter than average for that time of year. Any correlation between this event and the abnormally hot day...


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