Will America Fall? Some More from John Koyle

In my previous post, http://fulnessoftimes.blogspot.com/2017/06/is-famine-coming.html, I mentioned John Koyle and some of the prophesies attributed to him regarding a time of drought/famine.

Here's a couple of prophesies attributed to John Koyle which appear to be regarding a fall of America.
  • "Koyle foresaw the Republican victory of 1928 but stated that the man riding the donkey would win in 1932 and continue to win, establishing an unprecedented record of successive victories at the pools. During this time the elephant would become sick and unable to regain its feet. One attempt after another would be made until eventually, after many years, the elephant would rise to its feet and remain on them for a number of years, but would then go down and the country with it. There would then follow an unprecedented period of war, confusion, turmoil, and national disaster."
  • "War would be brought to our coast line, but we would not be invaded at this time. However, a Russian invasion of the U.S. and Canada would come later."
  • "Koyle saw that the US President would die in office just a while after the mine came in. He saw them look up and down the country everywhere to try to find a man to take his place and they would not be able to find one and the nation wandered in chaos. That's how bad it will get." 
  • "He was shown that a Republican Administration would made great efforts to save the economy. He also said prices would go higher and higher and all at once something happened and in one night the props would be knocked out from under everything and down would come everything. This condition of rising prices would be brought about by strikes." 
  • "When the props give away there will suddenly be an overnight price and wage crash or deflation that seemed to occur the same time as the death of the republican president. The disaster which followed rated 4-inch headlines in newspapers throughout the country." 
  • "The overnite crash would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a Monday."
  • "in a short time the situation would grow so bad that all of the automobiles and trains would stop running, and manufacturing would cease because of a complete breakdown in our economy."
  • "transportation would stop all over the country, and manufacturing would cease, and the people would have to return to their horses, if they had any, or go on foot. Then we could no longer buy any wheat because there was no way to get to where the big supplies were located, nor could it be brought to us. And those who did have any wheat on hand would not sell it for a bushel of gold."
  • "we will also have the Russians to fight, and they will get half way across this country before they are put down." (--To the Missouri River.)"
  • "In the thirties he spoke of Russia invading Turkey at this time to gain the Dardenelle-Bosporus Water-way. He said that at this time there would be trouble in Palestine or the Mid-East, which in turn would cause war to erupt in the Balkans as Russia mace a great military push toward Palestine and practically wiped Turkey off the European pert of the map." 
  • "He said that after the Reds took over most of Europe, Asia and Africa, they would invade the United States and Canada, and because of our chaotic condition, we could offer very little organized resistance. He said the Reds would get as far as the Missouri River or Mississippi River before they were stopped by Priesthood powers from heaven that would drive them out of the lands. The Chinese would invade the West Coast and get as far as the Sierra Nevadas before they were stopped by divine intervention and that these invasions would not reach us herein these valleys of the mountains." 
  • "The Republican elephant would be in power. At an election, it would sink to its knees, never to rise again"

At the last election I was certain that Hillary Clinton would become president. Trump is far from perfect, but I prefer him over Clinton and I was glad he won the election.

What is interesting is that the election not only put a Republican administration into the White House, but it also resulted in Republican majorities for both houses of Congress. Trump and his administration are making "great efforts to save the economy."

However, when the economy is propped up with massive amounts of debt, and much of the world is in the same situation, there will come a time when economic correction will take place. With all the propping up, bailouts, and other devices used to try to keep the economy from sinking lower than it did in the great recession, and continued efforts since that time, the price will need to be paid. I think that price will be a depression.

Will we start seeing the effects of that coming economic crash before the mid-term elections, or will it happen closer to the next presidential elections? I've stated in other posts that I think we will likely see at least some kind of crash before the mid-term elections, which will influence voters to vote Democrat.

I think that there will definitely be a crash (or depression) by the 2020 election, and that will be the tipping point to vote the Democrats into power.

Will there be much of a country left? Yes and no. The country will probably still be intact. But is will be much more divided in morals, politics, and in other ways. Disorder and chaos will be more commonplace.

There are really only two reason why the Republican elephant will "sink to its knees, never to rise again." The first is that the Republican party might cease to exist, or become such a minor political player that it will fail to yield much political influence. But that isn't very likely.

The second reason is more likely, and it's why I include some of Koyle's prophesies concerning Russia. The USA will most likely face an attack and invasion, and the country will be brought down.

I've been of the opinion that world events, particularly those related to Russia and China, seem to be similar to the early to mid-1930's, just before the official start of World War II. Koyle's prophesy is similar to what I think is likely to happen, Russia will begin to annex its former Soviet bloc countries, by political means, or invasion.

If Koyle's prophesies are to be considered, then we have some inflation to look forward to, followed by an economic crash. Much of the rising prices (before the crash) will be blamed on strikes, or, I would say dissatisfaction in the labor force. War may be "brought to our coast line", but the coming invasion will happen at a later time. The Republicans will lose control and there will be a lot of chaos. I'm sure the succeeding administration will do what they can to "solve" the problems by implementing tough regulations and controls.

Something else to note, and this was mentioned in my post about a possible coming famine, is the need to get food storage before this economic downturn happens.

If only Koyle had mentioned Russia and China attacking and invading America I wouldn't even post this. But these prophesies mirror many others people have seen regarding foreign troops invading America.

Koyle's prophesies regarding an economic crash also compare to the visions and dreams others have had. And there is no doubt an economic crash is coming. When and how big and extensive it will be nobody really knows. But there is rising consensus in many financial and economic articles I have read that the coming crash will not be small, nor insignificant.


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