How can Trump be a Short Feather?

 If Trump actually makes it to the Biden's inauguration next Wednesday he will have completed his four years, which would mean he isn't a short feather and it throws out the idea of Esdras' eagle feathers being presidents of the United States.

Even with the House voting to impeach Trump today, he is still in office and the Senate won't convene to vote on conviction or acquittal until after Jan 19.

So, how could Trump be the first of the last six (short) feathers?

Well... Trump has been impeached by the House and his removal from office only happens if the Senate convicts him, but that won't happen until after Biden is President, which means Trump would no longer be president.

Here's the catch. The Senate can still vote to convict Trump after he has left office. A conviction will make him ineligible to run for any Federal office and, apparently, he'd lose any retirement-like benefits. Basically, and maybe this is a stretch, a conviction would terminate him as a president and would render him as a short feather.

There was an article I read that suggested the Senate not take up the impeachment proceedings until after Biden's first 100 days. Otherwise the impeachment trial will take up the Senate's time and keep Biden from accomplishing much during his first 100 days.

On a related note, I heard a suggestion that would likely help unite the country...but the hard-core Democrats would hate to see it happen. The suggestions is that Biden should fully pardon Trump. Pelosi and her minions would be seething--and probably be wondering if they could impeach Biden or find him incompetent and remove him from office. By pardoning Trump he would effectively be out of the picture and would no longer be occupying the time of Biden's presidency and Congress. But even though Pelosi denies it, it's obvious she loathes Trump and has a vendetta against him.

Anyway, it may be another four months before we know if Trump is a short feather, provided he doesn't resign, isn't killed, or in some other way loses his presidency before next Wednesday.


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