Number 46 has started

 I sincerely hope that President Biden will do as he promised:

"My fellow Americans, I close the day where I began, with a sacred oath before God and all of you. I give you my word, I will always level with you. I will defend the Constitution. I’ll defend our democracy. I’ll defend America and I will give all, all of you. Keep everything I do in your service, thinking not of power, but of possibilities, not of personal interest, but the public good."


Will he really defend the Constitution?

What about in light of the outcry of many in public health, and many liberals, who want to limit freedoms for the "public good"?

The so-called emergency powers and mandates all over the country, which were only supposed to last a couple of weeks, have dragged on for nearly a year.

How is is in the best interest of the public good to lock down the economy? Or issue travel restrictions? Or require everyone to wear masks and have the very physical look of being silenced?

How will Biden respond to infringements on Constitutional rights through increasing regulations, restrictions, and government enforced controls through legislation, fines, and increased oversight?

Gun control is just one area. The threat on free speech is very real. The right to voice opinions and thoughts is being squelched through cries and accusations of racism, hate, and bigotry. When liberal CEOs, politicians, or other prominent members of society talk about "reprogramming" those who think differently than they do, that's a big problem.

"Reprogramming" must be the politically correct term for brainwashing, and educating people to not think for themselves but to rely and depend on those in government.

Will President Biden have the guts to veto a bill that threatens even a single right enumerated by the Constitution? I'd be pleasantly surprised if he did, and it would likely cost him.

But, for as much as his speech hits a bunch of feel-good points, Biden is as much a puppet as Obama. He was added to the Democratic ticket because he was more moderate and stood a better chance of winning than any of the other Democratic candidates. I believe he was strongly influenced and encouraged as to who he picked for his vice president. While not as radical as some of the other liberals, Harris is much farther left than Biden and she is the one those behind the scenes want to be president.

I expect that Biden won't make it past his third year, most likely for some health reason. I'll be a bit surprised if he makes it past the second year. Harris will need to have a least a year as President to convince voters she can be a viable presidential candidate. My guess is if the Democrats gain a definitive majority in the Senate during the mid-term elections, and increase their majority in the House, that Harris will likely become president much sooner than the 3rd year.

To the blind, the government's job is to protect the public good through whatever means those in power say is needed. To serve their end to retain and gain power, politicians will legislate whatever they will in the name of protecting the public good.

To those who love our God-given Constitutional rights, the public good is protected by equal and fair application, enforcement, and protection of Constitutional rights for all people, no matter their race, ethnicity, beliefs, gender, age (including unborn children who science proves are very much alive), or any other factor. Anything that infringes on any Constitutional right, even in the slightest, is not in the best interest of the freedom loving public good.

Remember our country is a Constitutional Republic governed by representative democracy. The way it is set up the rights of all people are to be protected. America is not a true democracy or everything would be decided by the majority, without consideration of the Constitution.

Watch and see the flood of executive orders that Biden will unleash, and listen to the cheers of the liberal media as they extol their new idol.


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